Persuasive Writing
Creative Writing
Language Conventions

List 5 structural features found in an informative text.

Title, image/diagram, paragraphs, subtitles, captions, glossary, etc.


What is a contention?

What you believe/your opinion


What is the structure of a creative text?

Orientation, complication, rising tension, climax, resolution


What is the purpose of brackets in a text?

Used to enclose or insert additional information into a sentence that is not part of the original text. Brackets are often used to clarify or provide explanations.


What is the main idea of a text?

The author's message about the topic and what they are trying to do through writing the text, e.g. inform, persuade, entertain.


What is the structure of a persuasive introduction?

Hook - engaging first sentence

Contention - what you believe 

Arguments - reasons why you believe this


What is descriptive language?

To describe a person, place or thing in such a way that a picture is formed in the reader's mind.


Spell the following word correctly: tenashius
'To keep a firm hold of something.'



What is chronology?

Bonus question: what makes chronology difficult to infer?

The order of events as they occur in time.

Authors sometimes flashback and forward which can make chronology more difficult to infer, but not impossible.


What is the persuasive paragraph structure?

Topic sentence - introduces the argument

Evidence - gives examples, facts and statistics for the argument

Explanation - explains the evidence

Link - links back to the contention


What is included in each section of a creative text?

Orientation - introduce the characters and setting

Complication - an issue or problem that has to be overcome
Rising tension - an attempt at solving the issue Climax - major issue or problem

Resolution - solve the problem and ending


What is italics and why is it used in a text?

Style of text where the letters are slanted to the right. Italics are often used to emphasize words or phrases, indicate the titles of books, movies, or other works, and set off foreign words or phrases.


What is the main idea of this paragraph: In today's world, where everyone's always online and connected, it's super important for teens to take care of their mental health. Being a teenager can be tough with all the school stuff, social expectations, and other challenges. We need to talk more openly about how we're feeling and make sure there are easy-to-reach resources to help us out. Learning about mental health helps us handle stress better and understand our emotions. If we focus on this now, we're setting ourselves up for a future where we're strong and good at dealing with all kinds of situations.

To persuade readers to take care of their mental health to better deal with difficult situations.


What is a persuasive conclusion structure?

Argument recap - An outline of your arguments 

Contention - what you believe

Final statement - What do you want your reader to do, think or say? 


Make the following text include descriptive language: The sprinkler was refreshing.

The cool water from the sprinkler sprayed our hot faces. 

Put commas in the correct places of this sentence (there are 2):

A baby echnidna also called a puggle hatches after 10 days.


Read the stimulus from 'Geysers' and put the following items in chronological order:

magma heats water

steam pressure lifts water

water collects in a reservoir

groundwater penetrates rock

water rises in a pipe

1. Groundwater penetrates rock

2. Magma heats water

3. Water rises in a pipe.

4. Water collects in a reservoir

5. Steam pressure lifts water


Write a TEEL paragraph for the following prompt: Should uniforms be compulsory for students at school?

E.g. Uniforms should not be compulsory as they reduce teens ability to express their identity, and being able to wear free dress each day can help them to find who they are. Approximately 23% of students aged 12-15 struggle with finding their identity. Forcing each of them to wear the same thing as their peers strips them of their unique appearence and stifles their individuality. Getting rid of uniforms in school will help many teens express themselves.


Add descriptive language to the following sentences: The hall was empty. She ran towards the classroom. She entered right after the bell rang.

Racing down an empty hall, she skidded into the classroom, breathless, just as the bell clanged above her.


Which word completes this sentence: When, Unless, Since, Whether
(Blank) there were no other volunteers, the job is yours.

