Up In the Trees
Established Dining
Free Passes
Not So Touristy Sights
Bird Brained

Some are short, some are tall, but the silhouette of this tree along the shoreline always looks “tropical.”

What is a Palm tree?


A classic waterside restaurant featuring maritime decor, this Tin City dining establishment is a sister restaurant to the Cove

What is Riverwalk?


Long, narrow structures usually made of rocks, stone, or concrete that project from the land out into water and keep open small inlets like passes. They are designed to protect a beach or inset from erosion caused by currents and tides.

What are Jetties?


A world class paradise that combines delightful cultivated tropical plants and flowers with beautifully restored natural habitats.

What is the Naples Botanical Garden?


Clumsy on land, but strong swimmers and strong flyers with wingspans of about 6-11 feet — These are the big birds you see perching on a pier using the pouch of their large bill to help them gather and hold fish.

What are Pelicans?


The edible fruit or seed produced by these exotic palm trees thought to be from Asia.

What is a Coconut tree?


One of the oldest dining establishments in Naples, this restaurant was opened by Rose Costaregni in 1975 and was named after her husband Dan.

What is Pastrami Dan's?


One of, if not the smallest natural inlets on the west coast of Florida, this pass is very impacted by the wave energy of tropics storms and hurricanes. A haven for migratory birds this pass flows into a 209 acre preserve filled with mangroves and tidal flats.

What is Clam Pass?


Considered the oldest houses in Naples, it was originally built in 1895 for Walter N. Haldeman, one of the founders of Naples and also behind the initial construction of Naples Pier. In fact, the house is located near the entrance to the pier just off 12 Avenue South.

What is The Palm Cottage?


This white bird has long pink or orange legs, with a long red downward-curved bill that's ideal for probing the sand for food.

What are Ibis or The White Ibis?


Thomas Edison first brought this tree to the Continental U.S. in the late 1800s. These exotic stately old trees, known for their numerous aerial roots and massive trunks, are considered sacred by Hindus and are slowly disappearing from Crayton Rd.

What is a Banyan tree?


This former 5th avenue anchor restaurant known for its Prime Rib used to have a British red telephone booth outside it

What is St. George and the Dragon?


This pass has a public access beach located right off of Gulf Shore Boulevard North nearest to Harbor Drive. Visitors of this locale enjoy watching the boating traffic, swimming and beachcombing.

What is Doctor’s Pass?


Just east of Naples, in Ochopee, this building is only 7×8 feet big. It was once a tomato farm shed but after a fire at the Ochopee general store in 1953, it became the US’s tiniest of these.

What is a post office?


Despite their name, these long-legged wonders gather near water anywhere in Florida. These tall birds are white with black legs and bright yellow feet. The bright yellow feet keep it from being confused with this other great bird.

What are Snowy Egrets?


This tree originally from Australia is commonly known as the paper bark tea tree or punk tree. Its pollen often makes people sneeze.

What is a Melaleuca tree?


Every day this restaurant receives its primary menu item directly from local fishermen.  When it opened more than 25 years ago, the food after which the restaurant is named was cheapest fish per pound

What is Grouper and Chips?


Naples City Beach stretches 6 miles from Doctors Pass this pass. This is where Naples Bay meets the Gulf of Mexico.

What is Gordon Pass?


Constructed in 1980 by retired businessman Bob Lee, this abandoned modern home is now located approximately 180 feet offshore of Marco Island.

What is The Dome House/Cape Romano Dome House?


Often mistaken for gulls, these skinny, noisy birds are white, black, and grey and have sharp yellow-beaks and forked tails. Their colonies run large, typically hitting around 2,000 birds, but can grow up to about 20,000.

What is a Tern or Royal Tern?


It is illegal to plant this invasive tree, also originally from Australia because of its shallow root system can’t keep the tree from toppling during hurricanes.  The tree grows near the shoreline since its long needles are salt resistant.

What is a Australian Pine tree?


Hailed as one of the best rib restaurants in the country, Michelbobs famously claims to only serve ribs from this side of the pig.

What is the Right Side?


Four miles north of Clam Pass, this is subject to frequent changes, but don’t’ freak out. This pass is used by small craft entering Cocohatchee River and the chain of lagoons and inland waterways. The pass also leads to this pristine barrier island State Park that’s popular for fishing, swimming, snorkeling and exploring the beach.

What is Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park?


This relic has been hosting visitors to the small town at the end of the road since the 1890s and it is remarkably unchanged. It has seen more than a century of history, including five presidents and plenty of other notables, including, Ernest Hemingway and, weirdly, Mick Jagger.

What is the Everglades Rod and Gun Club?


These beachy birds have the perfect seaside names. The small, wading birds are mostly white and grey colored, and are adorable as they run in quick short steps to avoid the waves!

What are Sandpipers?
