The Austrian General that held Mantua for 5 months.
Who is the Count von Wurmser?
The length of the battle of Arcole.
What was 3 days long?
The type of soldier that stands on their feet.
What is infantry?
The mountain range that wrapped around the north of Italy.
What are the Alpine Mountains?
Surrounding your enemy and starving them in a fortress.
What is Seiging?
The general that faced Napoleon at Rivoli.
Who is Alvinczy?
The battle that Napoleon won right after he said to his generals: "They are ours".
What was the Battle of Rivoli?
The type of soldier that rides horses.
What are Cavalry?
The Country that originally bordered France in 1796.
What is Sardinia?
Marching your army in tinier armies to quickly move across the front.
What is the Corps Systrem?
The Sardinian General that faced Napoleon.
Who is General Colli?
The Battle that Napoleon fought against the Austrians rear guard.
What was the Battle of Lodi?
The soldiers that guarded Napoleon at all times during his reign as emperor.
What is the Imperial Guard?
The Austrian province closest to France.
What is Lombardy?
When you take two enemies, split them in two, then attack them separately.
What is Divide and Conquer?
The general that in a letter, Napoleon said was a spoiled child of victory.
Who is Andre Massena?
One of the few battles that Napoleon lost after following Wurmser along the Brenta River.
What is the Second Battle of Bassano?
The person who aimed cannons. French troops called Napoleon "a little" one of these.
What is an Artillery Corporal?
The Lake that separated Austrian generals Quosdanovich and Wurmser.
What is Lake Garda?
What is outflanking?
Napoleon's advance guard general.
Who is General Dallemagne?
One of the first Battles Napoleon fought against 5000 Austrian troops.
What was the Battle of Dego?
The people that went ahead of the rest of their marching army.
What is an Advance Guard?
The river that Austrian General Beaulieu held after being defeated at Lodi.
What is the Po River?
When you trick your enemy into thinking that you have more troops then you actually do.
What is Psychological Warfare?