How did Napoleon impact taxes?
He implemented a system of fair taxes for all citizens
How did Napoleon feel about the French Revolutions stance on religion?
He wanted to bring it back to France
Napoleons greatest achievement
Napoleonic Code - System of Laws
How did Napoleon help peasants?
created jobs, lowered food prices, allowed them to keep the lands they took during the Revolution
What is infrastructure?
Roads, bridges, canals, schools, etc.
Tariffs and/or a National Bank
What religion did Napoleon invite back to France?
As equals
How did Napoleon help nobles?
He pardoned emigres and reinstated their titles. (They had no real power)
TRASHKETBALL!!!!!! Go behind the line and try to sink the paper ball in the garbage can! NOT THE RECYCLING BIN!
How did Napoleon impact education?
He built schools for all males throughout France
What did Napoleon sign which brought the church back to France?
The Concordat
There was NO freedom of speech
How did people earn recognition in France?
Talent and hard work. Not based on your family name
What did Napoleon have built throughout France?
Roads, monuments, etc
What two subjects did Napoleon see as most important?
Science and Math (sorry Social Studies)
What did Napoleon state concerning religion and government? (Do your best)
"The people must have religion, and religion must be in the hands of the government"
Why did Napoleon want to control the press?
He claimed that it didn't matter what was true, but rather what people believed.
TRASHKETBALL!!!!!! Go behind the line and try to sink the paper ball in the garbage can! NOT THE RECYCLING BIN!
What city did Napoleon spend huge amounts of money improving?
How did Napoleon use the Lycées to fix government corruption?
Graduates were given government jobs based on merit
No! Religion and government were very much intertwined
How did the Napoleonic Code impact women?
It restricted most of their rights
What is still considered one of the highest honors one can receive in France?
Legion of Honor
THINK! How did the creation of roads help make France a power in Europe?
Promote trade and commerce!