Poppy started using these to "add flare" to his messages
Hosted by an SNL alum, these show is a different version of a trivia game
pop culture jeopardy
this song was used when we took a trip to nye for a play
When Poppy is surprised, or if anything happens, he goes with this 1 liner (two worder)
My Goodness!
a blend of psychology, probability, and risk management, this game is won not just with the best hand but by convincing other that you have it
what movie was it when I woke up early in the morning to "since you been gone"
when Peter roasted his dad, he told him this streaming service was running out of suggestions for him.
yell this Spanish (or Italian) word when you're approaching victory
I tricked all of you into singing this song in the beginning of Napoli Family 3
Addams family
Oops! aunt Allison kicked over the water bucket. Bella responds with this iconic line
that was something
This game, invented in 1935, is a game revolving a white man controlling cities, and dogs buying railroads.
I used this song by a band MJ was in, in the first Napoli Family film to introduce members when walking into grammi's house
I want you back
Grace loves a lot of things, but the one group of fun people she loves is the wiggles. name two wiggles songs sung by Anthony
get ready to wiggle, rock a bye your bear, fruit salad, big red car, hot potato.
This game asks "can I eat myself" or "do I typically belong in the outdoors" while its always above you.
I used a song by this band (liked by poppy) to capture the wholesomeness of Allison and Grammi walking in cold spring harbor