What does Narcan do?
Narcan works to reverse the effects of an overdose by removing opioids from receptors.
First step when encountering an overdose
call 911 immediately
Fentanyl leads to less overdoses because it is synthetic. T or F
False, Fentanyl is 50-100 times more potent than other forms of opioids.
Narcan can only be given through prescription. T or F
False, it is available without any prescription requirements
How is Naloxone administered?
Nasal spray or injectable
Cold and clammy
You do not have to worry about the surrounding area. T or F
False, ensure that there are no dangerous objects around the individual to ensure the safety of everyone.
False, 83% of recorded overdoses from the year 2023 were unintentional.
How long should you wait before giving a second dose?
Anywhere between 2-3 minutes
How long does Narcan stay in your system.
30-90 mins (varies case by case)
Rattling or loud snoring is a sign of an overdose. T or F
Narcan can be used immediately without any preparation. T or F
False, ensure that the nasal passage is clear from any obstruction
What can be laced with fentanyl?
Anything! Fentanyl is odorless which makes it easy to mask in other substances
Protection for reporting an overdose
Oregon's Good Samaritan Laws.
Narcan works in about this time frame
Small or pinpoint pupils
Individuals are fine to be left alone after administering Narcan. T or F
False, an individual may fall back into an overdose state depending on the amount of intake.
Who is at risk of overdosing
Anyone! If you are taking any form of opioid, you may be at risk of overdosing
It is safe to use on someone not overdosing on opioids? T of F
True, though some people might experience minor side effects.
Where can you find Narcan
Pharmacies, health departments, EOCIL, School staff.
Vomiting is a dangerous symptom of an overdose. T or F
True, some people may experience vomiting.
Model the recovery position
Lay on the side
arms supporting the head
one leg straight and one bent at the knee to keep from rolling to stomach
Opioids are addictive because...
Can cause euphoria, pain relief, activating the brain's reward system by releasing dopamine.
List 3 different opioids that can lead to an overdose
Oxycodone, oxymorphone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, fentanyl, morphine, codeine, Methadone