Inferencing/Point of View
Literary Terms
the sequence of events in a story
What is plot?
Read the following passage: Lisa carefully examined the bug sitting on the leaf. She noticed that it had six legs and a hard shell. Lisa had never seen a bug like this before. She grabbed her magnifying glass and camera. Based on what you have read, what can you infer that Lisa will do next? a. scream b. take a picture of the bug c. run away d. scare the bug away
What is c. take a picture of the bug?
Linda was a strong woman who lived her entire life on her own terms, without compromising and without ever being apologetic for anything. This passage describes Linda using __________characterization.
What is direct characterization?
a character that does not change
What is static or round character?
Read the passage: One of the identical twins says to the other, "You're ugly!" This is an example of __________ irony.
What is verbal?
the struggle against self or opposing forces
What is conflict?
Read the passage: Lauren looked at her watch, grabbed her books and ran to the bus stop. When she got to the bus stop, she realized she forgot her lunch. Lauren ran back to the house and grabbed her lunchbox. When Lauren got back to the bus stop, she realized she missed the bus. Based on the passage, the reader can infer that Lauren is a. playful b. disorganized c. worried d. athletic
What is b. disorganized?
Jim was an honest man. He never cheated anybody in his entire life. This passage describes Jim, using ______ characterization.
What is direct?
the two synonyms for a character that does change in a story
What are dynamic and round characters?
A girl was going on about how she wouldn't hurt animals when I noticed she was wearing a leather belt. This is an example of ______irony.
What is situational irony?
the highest point or turning point in the story
What is climax?
Read the passage: Michael took his brother Tim on his first camping trip. Michael taught Tim how to put up a tent and showed him how to fish. When Tim didn't want to touch the worms, Michael put the worms on his hook. Michael helped take the fish off the line. Michael and Tim had a great time camping. Based on this passage, the reader can infer that Michael will say the next time Tim asks for help? A. "Sorry, I'm busy." B. "Sure, I'll help you!" C. "Maybe later." D. "Not now!"
What is b. "Sure, I'll help you!"
An old couple living near John's house considered him just like their own son. John did all that for them what even a son these days won't do. He would shop for them, get them things and say hello everyday. This passage describes John's personality using ______characterization.
What is indirect?
Read the passage about Sofia. Sofia becomes a teacher after years of working at the nail salon. Although she loved making lots of money at the nail salon, she went back to school and eventually quit her job at the nail salon. She currently works as a teacher, and she loves her job. Sofia can best be describe as a __________character?
What is dynamic or round character?
Mason wants to ask Becca to the homecoming dance on Friday because they have been dating for three months. The audience knows that Becca has been talking to John for the last two weeks and has accepted his invitation to the homecoming dance. When Mason asks Becca to go, Becca replies, "I can't go with you! I already have date! I don't think it's a good idea to date anymore either!" This is an example of _____________ irony.
What is dramatic irony?
Read the following passage: Jessica thinks the sweater Grandmother made for her is ugly. Grandmother is looking forward to seeing her wear it to her middle school graduation. Todd, the boy she likes, will be there. She doesn't want to hurt Grandmother’s feelings, but she will feel embarrassed in front of Todd on the last day before summer. This is an example of ____________conflict.
What is internal conflict?
Read the following passage: We lived on the main residential street in town—Atticus, Jem and I, plus Calpurnia our cook. Jem and I found our father satisfactory: he played with us, read to us, and treated us with courteous detachment… Our mother died when I was two, so I never felt her absence. She was a Graham from Montgomery; Atticus met her when he was first elected to the state legislature. This passage is told through _________point of view.
What is first person?
Read this passage: Julie held up six different outfits in front of the mirror and pondered which would go best with her navy blue shoes, pastel eye shadow and the diamond earrings she’d already procured from her overflowing vanity. After ninety minutes of mixing and matching, and cell-phoning her sister three times for advice, Julie finally made up her mind. Now, read this passage: Julie owned a multitude of outfits and accessories, and it always took her forever to decide which combination might impress Trent. As usual, she called her sister several times for advice. After doing so, Julie decided to give the navy blue skirt with the white sweater a try. The first example is an example of _______characterization, and the second example is ______ characterization.
What is indirect, then direct characterization?
Read the passage: Tony wants to be a basketball player. He is an average player and has lots of potential to improve his skills. Although he loves basketball, he hates school. He doesn't see the point in learning. All he cares about his playing basketball. He refuses to ask for help and go to tutoring. As the weeks pass, he decides to hang out with his friends instead of shooting hoops or studying for his classes. As a result, at the end of the year, he does not make the basketball team. Tony can best be described as a ___________character?
What is a flat or static character?
That boy runs faster than a car. This is an example of __________ in literature.
What is hyperbole?
Read the following passage: In 1959, Melba Patillo Beals wants to attend Central High School in Little Rock Arkansas. She along with eight other students are the first to integrate into this school, but they face many conflicts, primarily because of prejudice and racist beliefs. Her memoir is an example of an ___________conflict. Character vs. Character Character vs. Society Character vs. Nature Character vs. Self
What is an external conflict? Character vs. Society?
Read the following passage: "I'm sorry, Dad, about the change in plans," Tom said, feeling nervous. "But this is something I have to do." Mr. Kulher hugged his son briefly and murmured that he understood. But he didn't understand and thought he never would. This passage is written in _____ person limited or omniscient of view.
What is third person omniscient point of view?
Read this passage: Della is sad to the point of tears because she doesn't have enough money to buy a Christmas present for her husband, Jim. Then, read the passage: Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. She stood by the window and looked out dully at a grey cat walking a grey fence in a grey backyard. Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present. She had been saving every penny she could for months, with this result. The first example is ___________characterization, and the second example is _____________.
What is direct, then indirect characterization?
The teacher had some awfully good news to share with her students. "Awfully good" is an example of _________ in literature.
What is an oxymoron?