What is the first sentence of an introduction called?
The Hook
What is the top of the story arc called
Climax or heart
Smell, touch, sight, taste are what kind of details?
Sensory details
What is my dog's name?
What is the first step on the story arc, that needs to be in your introduction?
Characters hope, wants or motivation
As fast as a cheetah is an example of what kind of figurative language?
What comes at the end of a story arc or end of a Narrative?
Lesson or message
True or False: Your narrative should be about your whole trip to Hawaii.
False- Small Moment
What is this class room number?
Room 20
What is the second thing on a story arc needed in an intro
Breathe in, Breathe out, Breathe in, Breathe out is an example of what?
"My mind drifted back to the time I was scared to eat snails.
"Try it!" my mom said.
Is an example of what?
No, don't try that, I thought.
Example of what technique?
Inner thinking
How old am I?
You need to give hints to your problem
Secondary characters need to be a part of the what in the story?
"Can I please get some food," asked Billy.
What is wrong with this dialogue?
Need a ? not a ,
I pushed her down onto the ground. I saw her fall hard, and I immediately felt regret.
What is this an example of?
Small action has a reaction
What subject are you in?
What is my husband's name?
Who teaches 5th grade?
Ms. Kannberg, Ms. Roper and Ms. Sclavos
Who is our principal?
Mr. Bosco
What are 4 strategies to draft a narrative?
First times, last times, times when you realized something
Strong Feeling
What is my all time favorite candy?
Hot Tamales