What is "WHAT happened in the story?"
The person who writes the word.
What is the author
Ask a question and ends with question marks.
What is Interrogative Sentence
Rephrases the question in order to explain to the reader.
What is the Rephrase or Restate
What is "Why did it happen?"
The person who draws the picture.
What is the Illustrator
Gives a command and ends with a period or an exclamation mark.
What is an Imperative Sentence
Restate the question.
Answer the question.
Provide the evidence
What is the R.A.P. Method
What is "Where did it take place?"
The time, the place, and the environment in which the story takes place.
What is the Setting
4 Types of Sentences
What is Declarative, Exclamatory, Imperative, and Interrogative Sentence.
The question by using the same or similar words in the original question.
What is the Answer
What is "Who is the story mostly about?"
What is "Who is the character(s)?"
People, animals, and creatures who sets the events of the story.
What is the Characters
Tells Something and ends with a period.
What is Declarative Setence
Proves your answer by directly quoting from the text or paraphrasing.
What is the Provide the Evidence
What is "When did it take place?"
What is the Setting
Us the series of events that happens in the story.
What is the Plot
Shows strong feelings and ends with a (!)
What is Exclamatory Sentence
Restate the question.
Answer the question.
Provide the evidence
What is the R.A.P. Method