Choose Your Weapon
Same Name
Gotta Go Fast
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League of Math v2

Named after Youmu Konpaku from Touhou, this item can be upgraded into its "wraithblade" variant by Ornn.

What is Youmuu's Ghostblade?


The dog from Adventure Time shares his name with this popular State Farm personality.

Who is Jake?


While this item usually makes the character bigger, in Mario Kart, it instead gives you a quick burst of acceleration.

What is a mushroom/dash mushroom?


Ain't nobody bring us down, down, down, down, down, down.

What is POP/STARS?


The total number of inhibitors on Summoner's Rift, squared.

What is 36? (62)


This Minecraft sword does the same damage as its wooden counterpart but has even less durability.

What is a golden sword?


This title in the Elder Scrolls series shares its name with this Orb that provides grievous wounds.

What is Oblivion?


This champion passively gains AD based on their current bonus movement speed.

Who is Hecarim?


So we back in the club,

With our bodies rockin from side to side (side to side)

What is DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love?


The number of stacks that Cho'Gath has if he has eaten (with his R) 10 minions, 10 champions, and 4 dragons.

What is 20?


This satellite-based laser weapon was worked on and completed by Adam Fenix.

What is the Hammer of Dawn?


The name of Veigar's CC ability and the boundary where light can no longer escape a black hole.

What is the event horizon?


Granted by some items, abilities, or summoner spells, this League mechanic means the ability to move through or avoid collision with units.

What is ghosting?


Boku wo   tsurete    susume

What is Gurenge/Demon Slayer OP?


The max number of standard health potions you can buy in a normal SR game, if you have already spent money on 2 control wards.

What is 5? (5 is always max even if you can afford more!)


The common name for the Covenant's Type-25 Directed Energy Rifle, which fires superheated bolts of ionized gas.

What is the Plasma Rifle?


This basic AD item and the common name of the UNSC strike-fighter used to escape the Pillar of Autumn in the 1st Halo game.

What is a longsword?


The next step after supersonic, this word is usually reserved for something going at least Mach 5, or 5x the speed of sound.

What is hypersonic?


Some of them want to use you.

Some of them want to get used by you.

Some of them want to abuse you.

Some of them want to be abused.

What is Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)?


The number of shots left in Jhin's magazine if he has destroyed 3 normal stealth wards by himself and only reloads on an empty mag and starts with a full mag.

What is 3?


Contrary to popular belief, the AR in AR-15 does not stand for "assault rifle", but was named after this company that engineered it.

What is ArmaLite?


In Norse mythology, he is a god. In CoD Ghosts, it is the name of the US space station that is hijacked for its kinetic bombardment system.

Who is Odin?/What is ODIN?


It is commonly used as an anesthetic in medicine and also used to boost the power output of engines in vehicle racing.

What is Nitrous Oxide (N2O)?


And when the giants call to ask you what you're worth,

Do you know if,

Win or die, you'll...

What is RISE?


The in-game time when the 3rd Baron Nashor spawns, if you kill it instantly (0 second kill) each time it spawns.

What is 32 minutes? (32:00)
