The primary source on your topic.
What is SVS?
Difference between the app and the website
Primary and Secondary audience
What is people who download and read the NASA Viz stories on the app? What is instructor and the NASA Viz management team?
What is storytelling with media and storyboard of still image and videos?
Last 4 things to complete the template
What is a teaser, title, tweet and credits?
Amount of links typically needed for research.
The three things on the NASA VIZ app home screen
The amount of images needed in the project template.
What is 5?
The captions are for the obvious. True or False
What is False?
The organization the last comments are for.
What is NASA?
The type of document needed to submit for the research module.
What is a research web?
4 main categories for topics
Earth, Planetary, Astrophysics, or Heliophysics
Difference between character counts and words counts other than the obvious.
What is character counts include punctuation and spaces?
The only requirement for developing custom cover images
What is being 576x1024?
There is budget for imagery. True or False
The steps for additional links.
What is add these to your web, show the connections of how you got to the new information, and add some notes about why this new link might be helpful.
The full words of SVS
What is Scientific Visualization Studio?
The highly specific word count of the articles
what is 150-194 words?
What the two partner sources where one might be able to get still images?
What JPL and Hubble Space Telescope Institute?
The person who will be doing the final review.
The professor
The Cautionary Message
What is don't get lost in a rabbit hole by following too many links?
5 parts of project scope
What is getting started, research, storytelling &writing analysis, developing visual elements, and putting it all together?
Hint for story development
What is true?