Who in our class would be the best resource to ask questions to about the project?
Professor Calloway.
Where can you go to gain background information about the project?
Modules on elms, online at NASA Viz, through the app.
Where can you find a citation guide?
Online, Citation Machine, or Purdue Owl.
How many videos can you have in the article?
Where can you find the project template?
On canvas, under the topic choice assignment.
Where on canvas can you most easily find information about the project?
What is something about the project that will be helpful for you to know? Think "the past".
The history of the project.
How can you better develop your writing skills and structure such as your grammar and punctuation?
The core grammar lessons.
Where can you find tips on viedo editing or how to download videos for your article?
Online, youtube, other resources, youtube video to mp3 downloader.
Where can you find Professor Calloway's example template?
On canvas, under the topic choice assignment.
Who else could you ask questions about the project to besides Professor Calloway?
Classmates, or peers.
What are two resources you can access online that will be specifically for this project?
The NASA Viz App and Website.
What is the difference between word count and character count?
Word count is for words, character count is for all characters, ie. letters, punctuations, dashes, or numbers.
How can you get some feedback on which video(s) you should use?
Peers or Professor Calloway.
What is something you need to do for yourself as the author?
Credit yourself.
What websites are NOT credible sources of research?
Blogs, Wikipedia, Reddit, Twitter, most ".com" sources.
What can you use to see exactly how you are supposed to do the project, like the layout and what goes where and what you need to complete?
The project template.
Where can you find how to write a science based article?
Online at websites with recommendations for how to write science articles, or the writing center on campus.
How many still frames can you have in your article?
Who can you ask to help you determine if you've credited yourself as the author correctly?
Professor Calloway.
Name a NASA Partner who's name begins with "A".
Ames Research center, Armstrong Flight Research Center.
How can you learn about the NASA Viz app and learn how to use it?
Modules Week 7.
Who can you ask for help on structuring your article?
Peers, Professor Calloway, writing center, parents, other professors.
What is the best way to see when you should put in your videos and how they should be laid out throughout the article?
Project template with notes, or Professor Calloway's example template.
Who could you reach out to, to look over your article and give you feedback on how you could improve it?
Your peers, or Professor Calloway.