The Canvas module that will help you with Research
What is NASA Viz: Project Introduction and Getting Started?
This Canvas module will help you with Background
What is NASA Viz: Research?
This Canvas module will help you with Developing the Article
What is NASA Viz: Storytelling and Writing Articles?
This Canvas module will help you with Developing Visual Elements
What is NASA Viz: Developing Visual Elements?
This Canvas module will help you with Putting It All Together
What is NASA Viz: Completing the Template?
What is Nasa Viz article and 2020 Fall Nasa Viz stories list.docx?
How can you improve your writing skills, grammar, or structure?
What is Core Grammar Book Lessons?
True or False: Can you have lots of still images and no videos?
The type of comments I should delete
What are redundant comments?
The elms/canvas assignment that will help you with researching your own topic.
What is NASA Viz SVS Sources and Research
The first step to writing professional documents that meet the needs of the audience.
What is Audience Analysis?
The primary audience in your writing?
What are Nasa Viz app or website users?
What needs to be in full sentences and help tell the story of the still image or movie.
What are captions?
The thing at the end of the documents
What is credits?
This is the research laboratory that help develop and write stories for the NASA Viz app.
What is the Goddard Space Flight Center?
The term when you get lost by following too many links without keeping track of them.
What is a rabbit hole?
Good way to ask for help (Multiple answers)
What is ask your peers, the professor, or writing center for advice?
True or False: It is easier to add credits early rather than finding them again at end of project
What is true?
The way to tell if I credited my images or sources properly.
What is contacting the professor or using the Purdue Owl Website?
The amount of weeks it takes for stories to get added to NASA Viz.
What is two weeks/biweekly?
The A.U.D.I.E.N.C.E acronym meaning in Audience Analysis?
What is A: Analysis; U: Understanding; D: Demographics; I: Interest; E: Environment; N: Needs; C: Customize; E: Expectations
The number of words required for the article in the NASA Viz Story Template
What is ~150 to 200 words?
The maximum number of characters for your still image or movie.
What is 140 characters?
The notes at the end of the document in the notes field (not credits).
What is final notes?