Organization, CoC, and Mission
SSO and other Officers

The designator and class name of the vessel below, which is the Navy's premier Anti Air Warfare vessel.

What is the Arleigh Burke class DDG?


These two 2-word statements are the Navy's Drug and Alcohol policies, respectively.

What are Zero Tolerance and Responsible Use?


USMMA or Nuclear Power School are examples of this type of command. The purpose of these commands is to man, train, and equip.

What is administrative command?


This is the color of the collar device of an O-5 in the Navy.

What is silver?

The first of these 2 numbers is the number of years an SSO must maintain their reserve commission after graduation.

The second of these 2 numbers is the number of years of satisfactory employment owed to MARAD after graduation.

What are 8 and 5?


The designator and class name of the vessel below, which is the Navy's newest class amphibious ship.

What is the San Antonio Class LPD?


This level of clearance is required to be obtained by all MIDN graduating USMMA.

What is Secret?


This person was born in Cuba, grew up in NYC, and served 20+ years of active duty as a SWO. He currently holds the title of Secretary of the Navy.

Who is the honorable Carlos Del Toro?


The number of stars on a Senior Chief's collar device.

What is 1?


The first of these 2 numbers can be found at the end of a Naval Officer's designator if they are active duty.

The second of these 2 numbers can be found at the end of a Naval Officer's designator if they are a reservist.

What are 0 and 5?


This is a class and designator of Naval helicopter.

What is the:

MH-60R/S Seahawk ?

CH-53 Sea Stallion ?

MH-53 Sea Dragon ?


These 3 terms are the types of Military Courts Martial.

What are Summary, Special, and General?


This is a joint military command of the United States Department of Defense that is composed of units from two or more service branches of the U.S Armed Forces. It conducts broad and continuing missions. There are 11 of them, with 7 geographic and 4 functional.

What is a Unified Combatant Command?


This Officer paygrade and rank has 2 stars on their shoulder board.

What is an O-8, Rear Admiral Upper Half?


This type of commissioned officer in the United States Navy or United States Marine Corps specializes in airborne weapons and sensor systems. They may perform many "co-pilot" or "mission specialist" functions, depending on the type of aircraft. 

What is a Naval Flight Officer?


These 3 Navy platforms (class or designator) have "Strike Warfare" as one of their missions.

What are the:

DDG (Arleigh Burke, Zumwalt), CG (Ticonderoga), CVN (Nimitz, Ford), SSN (LA, VA), SSGN (Ohio), F/A-18, F-35?


As long as their unit's CO does not provide additional guidance, this is number is the minimum age of U.S. Sailors who can purchase alcohol in Sweden, where the minimum drinking age is 20 years old.

What is 20?


These are 2 out of the 7 Navy Expanded Core Capabilities. The first is fulfilled by Ohio class SSBNs, and the second by SSOs or MSC.

What are Strategic Deterrence and Strategic Sealift?


These 2 paygrades correspond to a Captain in the Navy and Captain in the Marine Corps.

What are O-6 and O-3?


This group of Navy Officers is eligible for command at sea of the Navy's warfighting combatant units such as warships, submarines, aviation squadrons and SEAL teams. 

What are Unrestricted Line Officers?


These are 3 designators of Navy ships that can be found in an Expeditionary Strike Group.

What is the LHD, LHA, LPD, DDG, CG, SSN?


These 4 words make up the acronym UCMJ, a document aimed at promoting good order, high morale, and discipline by allowing Commanding Officers to award non-judicial punishment while underway.

What is the Uniform Code of Military Justice?


These 4 terms are directly below the "Secretary of Defense" in the DoD organizational chart.

What are the:


Military Departments,

Office of the SECDEF,



These 3 paygrades are Divisional or Departmental senior enlisted leaders. They work closely together with Division Officers and Department Heads.

Who are E-7, E-8, and E-9?


These are 3 of the 5 options that MARAD counts as satisfactory employment after graduating USMMA. 

What are:


-Commissioning Active Duty (or NOAA Corps)

-Federal government job in maritime related industry

-MARAD waiver to do something else

-Combination of the above
