Heel Rises
What is the Soleus?
Arms Fall Forward
Give 2 of 4
What are the Mid/Lower Trapezius, Rhomboids and Posterior Deltoid
Adductor Stretch (same side)
Tensor Fascia Latae Stretch
Piriformis Stretch
Hamstring Stretch (opposite side)
Which flexibility exercises to do with an asymmetrical weight shift
Ball Squat
Floor Bridge
Ball Bridge
Which exercises to do when the low back arches?
The number of repetitions each position should be observed
What are 5 repetitions?
Arms Fall Forward
What are the Latissumus Dorsi, Pectoralis Major/ Minor, Teres Major, and Coracobrachialis
Excessive Forward Lean
What are the Anterior Tibialis, Gluteus Maximus, and Erector Spinae
Adductor Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
TFL Stretch
Calf Stretch
Which flexibility exercises to do when knees move inward?
Lateral Tube Walking
Ball Squat
Ball Bridge w/Abduction
Which exercises to do when the knees move inward
The position of the feet during the overhead squat assessment
What is straight ahead?
Knees move inward
What are the Adductor Complex, Bicep Femoris (short head), Tensor Fascia Latae, Vastus Lateralis, Lat. Gastrocnemius
Low Back Arches
What are the Gluteus Maximus, Hamstrings, Intrinsic Core Stabilizers, (transverse abdominis, multifidus, internal oblique, transversospinalis, pelvic floor muscles)
Calf Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
Ball Abdominal
Which flexibility exercises to do with an excessive forward lean?
Single-leg Balance Reach
Single-leg Squat
Which exercises to do when the heel rises
The two positions to observe the overhead squat
What are anterior and lateral?
Low Back Rounds
What are the Hamstrings, Adductor Magnus, Rectus Abdominus, and External Obliques
Asymmetrical Weight Shift
Gluteus Medius (same side), Adductor Complex
(opposite side)
Peroneal Stretch
Calf Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
Standing TFL Stretch
Which flexibility exercises to do when the feet flatten?
Floor Cobra
Ball Cobra
Squat to Row
Which exercises to do when the arms fall forward
The position of the hands and arms during the overhead squat assessment
What are over overhead and inline with the ears?
underactive muscle that causes excessive forward NECK lean
what is the deep cervical flexor
Foot Turns Out
What are the:
Gluteus Medius/Maximus
Hip Flexor Stretch
Latissimus Dorsi Stretch
Erector Spinae Stretch
Which flexibility exercises to do when the low back arches
Ball Squat
Which exercises to do with an excessive forward lean
The four areas of observation from the lateral view
What are the LPHC, Torso Angle, Arm Position, Head Position?