Where bourbon is most commonly made in US
Where is Kentucky?
Number of main majors in my business school
What is 6?
My two majors
What is Economics and Cognitive Science?
My middle name
A yummy (and my favorite) coffee chain sold throughout Disney World
What is Joffrey's?
Minimum proof required to be whiskey
Number of floors in business building (including basement floor)
What is 6?
The full name of my university
What is Case Western Reserve University?
My first celebrity crush
Who is Grayson Dolan?
Status abbreviated as DVC (Disney adult to the max)
What is the Disney Vacation Club?
To be considered bourbon, they must use brand new versions of this
What are barrels?
The main majors in my business school
What is Accounting, Business IT, Business Management, Economics, Marketing, and Finance?
My on-campus job
Number of Kresic's (or married into the Kresic's) that attended CWRU
What is 7?
The Kresics celebrated a Birthday Extravaganza in Disney to celebrate nice round number birthdays of several family members. These are the ages and names of the birthday celebratees.
What is 20 (Natalie), 60 (John), and 80 (Baka)?
Must be 51% of this to be considered bourbon
What is corn?
The main Finance department titled "BAFI"
What is "Banking and Finance"?
Number of semesters I have completed
How many is 5?
Months and years of the two Kresic weddings so far
What is August 2023 and October 2024?
My favorite country in Epcot
What is Norway?
Gold standard glass for drinking bourbon
What is a Glencairn glass?
Name of my business school building (also a Progressive CEO and tycoon) (PBL)
What/who is Peter B. Lewis?
My favorite class I have taken in college
What is Introduction to Acting?
What is Lakehouse Family Wealth?
Our "home" resort in DVC
What is The Boardwalk?