More stuff about me

Natalie’s favourite food was invented in Italy. Most people eat this food for dinner and it is made with noodles, tomato sauce, and sometimes has Parmesan sprinkled on top of it?

What is spaghetti?


Natalie has a pet that has four legs, a tail, very cute, fuzzy, and playful?

What is a dog?


Natalie’s last trip was in a city in the Canadian province of Quebec. And is known for the food poutine?

What is Montreal?


Natalie likes to play this bored game with her family, the bored game is exciting, fun, and is a real-estate board game for two to eight players?

What is Monopoly?


Natalie was born in a month that is the zodiac Gemini and is on the 23 day of the month? 

What is May 23?


Natalie dislikes a white cheese that has different size curds and it’s consistency is cream?

What is Cottage cheese?


Natalie likes this animal. This animal lives outdoor, is fuzzy, cute, loves to eat seeds, nuts and there is a famous cartoon show based on this animal?

What is a chipmunk?


Natalie went on a trip to a very warm place with lots palm trees. It is known for beach resorts, amusement parks, warm weather, and oranges?

What is Florida?


Natalies 2nd favourite hobby is an activity in which a customer browses and purchase one or more of a suitable selection for them or another person?

What is shopping?


Natalie’s favourite colour is a mix of two colours one of the colours are red and the other is a shade?

What is pink?


Natalie loves to eat her grandmothers cooked cabbage leaves stuffed with rice, meat, spices and tomato sauce?

What is cabbage rolls?


Natalie saw this animal on her tip at a zoo. The animal is a smooth aquatic bird. The bird loves to eat shrimp, squid, and fish?

What is a penguin?


Natalie visited a small Dutch island that is known as the “one happy island”?

 What is Aruba?


Natalie has been doing this hobby for five years and it is her favourite hobby out of all the ones shes done,  it is a sport, that has a green ball, net and a court? 

What is tennis?


Natalie likes to enjoy her  warm weekend by walking in the nature as an activity?

What is hiking?


Natalie loves to bake this common dessert. Some of the ingredients in the recipe are: coco powder, banana and chocolate chips?

What is chocolate banana muffins?


Natalie went on a vacation to a warm beach in the USA. Natalie saw a sea animal jump out of the water, the sea animal has smooth skin, flippers, and a fin. The sea animal is known for intelligence, playfulness, and friendliness to humans?

What is a dolphin?


Natalie visited a state that is the capital of America?

What is Washington?


Natalie likes to do this hobby in class and at home, it is an activity people use to express themselves, take notes, tell a story, and more, writing words on a paper? 

What is writing?


Natalie’s favroite subject is the study of numbers and how they are related to each other and to the real world?

What is math?


Natalie’s favourite restaurant is named after a city in Greece that is famous for the volcanic island and is one of the world's most unique beaches?  

What is Santorini restaurant?


Natalie is interested in a dinosaur fish, that is extinct 358.9 million years. The dinosaur was a armour-plated fish that was 33 feet long?

What is a Armored Fish?


Natalie wants to go to a state in the USA that is known as the “Big Apple”?

What is New York?


Natalie dislikes a sport that involves moving through the water using your arms and legs?

What is swimming?


Natalie’s favourite two seasons are between warm and cold?

What is fall and spring?
