How do you say the following sentence in English? "
mi manzana es roja gracias."
Which soccer team won the 2018 world cup in Russia?
Which ocean is between East Africa and Indonesia
The Indian Ocean
What is the most popular tourist attraction in NYC?
Central Park
WhAt is NAthaNs FavoRIte CoLoR??
Which planet in our solar system in closest to the sun?
Name 3 sports that do not use a ball in 10 seconds.
better hope u got it right bud
What is the second biggest Continent in the World?
What was Manhattan's name before it was called Manhattan?
wHo IS naThANs FavORIte SOCceR PLayeR??
Lionel Messi
What came first: The ability to walk with our legs or the ability to use our brains?
What do the following acronyms stand for, NBA, NHL, MLB, and MLS?
NBA=National Basket Association, NHL=National Hockey League, MLB= Major League Baseball, and MLS= Major League Soccer.
what is the largest country in Europe?
What part of NYC do we live in?
Alphabet City
wHaT DoeS NAThan WAnt TO Be whEN hE GRows UP??
A soccer player
In the movie Back to the Future, what type of car is used for the time machine?
A DeLorean
Which national team has won the most world cups?
In which Continent is Suriname located in?
South America
On which island in NYC would you find the Statue of Liberty
Liberty Island
In All THe YEArs NAte HaS GoNE to SCHooL which TeaCHer WAs HIS FAVoritE?
Who got second place to our most previous Family Jeopardy?
Amelia Mirsky
list the following sport from oldest to newest: Baseball, Hocket, Basketball, Football
baseball football hockey basketball
What is the second smallest country
Who were the first people in NYC?
The Lenape
WhaT DOeS NathAN ENjoY MoSt IN LifE???
being with his family :)))) <3