This is Nathan's favorite combination of scents
This was/is Nathan's favorite icepop that comes in a single wrapped package
Spongebob or HaganDaz
This was the specific game on Minecraft Nathan and Joelle grinded to the leaderboard
Tower defense on Hypixel
This is the sport Nathan devoted his time to starting at his school
This is Nathan's Childhood best friend
Jesse or Adam
This is Nathan's favorite video game
This was Nathan's first pet (type of animal)
Goldfish (if get name "firenose" plus 200)
This is one of the slight annoyances Nathan has about Joelle (Multiple answers accepted)
Doesn't eat too many foods, bites nails, farts a lot
This is the event that got Nathan's car taken away for the first time
Crashing car/driving too many people
This is the friend that Nathan built a computer with for another friend
This is Nathan's favorite fruit
This is the video game that Nathan got really good at and would play when his friends weren't online with him (over 400 hours)
This was the article of clothing and brand name that Nathan wore almost daily when first dating
Hat (North face)
This was Nathan's biggest insecurity about his physique when entering high school
Nathan's hair
This is the friend who had a tetherball poll in their backyard
This is one of Nathan's favorite artists/bands (multiple answers)
The strokes, Cold Play, Billy Joel
This is the name of Nathan's fabled/favorite Math teacher from middle school
Mr. Garber
This was the location/state where Nathan's parents told him they were getting a divorce
This is the reason why Nathan got into throwing
He hated running and his dad made him do track/a sport
This is the first friend Nathan made at Jewish day school
Noah Galsky
This is Nathan's favorite movie
Your Name or Borat
This is the reason Nathan was crying outside naked as a toddler
He was chasing an ice cream truck and his parents said no
At the beginning of the relationship, Nathan compared his physique to this fictional character
Beast titan
This is the table/specific event Nathan hosted for his school's STEM board Tinkering night
Hydraulic crane or paper airplane launcher
This is the friend who introduced Nathan to his current friend group
Dylan Blastchuk