This video game console reportedly "has no games".
PlayStation 3
The Thing Director John Carpenter is known for directing this extremely popular holiday horror film
Halloween (1978)
Superman, along with Krypto the Superdog and Supergirl, are aliens from this doomed planet
This actor plays Wirt in the television miniseries Over the Garden Wall
This first-person shooter game series is a well-known flagship franchise for Xbox
Iron Man
In 1984, Prince made this film, the soundtrack album of the same name being critically acclaimed
Purple Rain (1984)
This character is the first villain the Fantastic Four go up against, first appearing in The Fantastic Four #1 (1961)
The Mole Man
This stop-motion anime involves creatures that are hybrids of guinea pigs and vehicles
Pui Pui Molecar
Resident Evil 2 and 3 take place in this fictional Midwest city
Raccoon City
The character Yoshikage Kira's design is based on this popular musical artist
David Bowie
This storyline involved a menagerie of heroes and villains selected by the Beyonder fighting each other, as well as the debut of Spider-Man's black suit
Secret Wars (1984)
In the Twilight film series, Michael Sheen plays Aro, the leader of this Vampire organization
The Volturi
Shadow the Hedgehog's first human friend is this girl, who is tragically killed in his backstory
Family Guy
Peter Griffin
In the television series Lost, this mysterious creature is a central antagonist the survivors must deal with on the Island
The Smoke Monster
Characters such as Orion, Darkseid, Mr. Miracle, and The Forever People were created by this Legendary Marvel writer/artist when they jumped ship over to DC.
Jack Kirby
Season 7 Episode 18 of Grey's Anatomy is unique because of this
It's a musical episode
In the game Spider-Man 2, this character becomes Venom instead of Eddie Brock
Harry Osborn
Who is the World's Strongest Gamer?
This land is known as the "Otherworld" in Celtic Mythology, where spirits and magical creatures live
Tuatha De Danann
When Jack Kirby rejoined Marvel Comics in the 1970s, he worked on the comic adaptation of 2001: A Space Odyssey, as well as creating this team of godlike characters
The Eternals
Buddie is the ship name of these two characters
Buck and Eddie 911