In Matthew 24:27 it reads, "For as the lightning cometh out of the ______ and shineth even unto the _______, so shall ___________________________.
East, West, The Coming of The Son of Man be
How far away is the Moon from the Earth today?
1/4 million miles
Master Fard Muhammad approved of what baked good invented by Mary Almanza, the wife of Mexican immigrant Henry Almanza?
The Bean Pie
In what year was The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan appointed as The National Representative of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad?
The Arabic phrase for Pilgrimage is ___________.
In 2 Thessalonians 2:3 it reads "Let no man deceive you by any means, for that Day will not come except _________________________.
there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Master Fard Muhammad showed The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad two stars (red and blue) in the South-Western sky that appear together every 50,000 years. What is the meaning of the two stars?
Universal Change, Old World Going Out; New World Coming In
Name 2 of the 3 Black-owned Newspapers The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad published articles in prior to the establishment of Muhammad Speaks?
The Pittsburgh Courier, The Amsterdam News and The Westchester Observer.
How many pages and what was the cost of The Final Call Newspaper's 1st Edition?
16 Pages; 50 Cents
When something is "prohibited" or "forbidden" it is called __________.
In Luke 19:10 it states "For the Son of Man came to ____________________."
Seek and Save the Lost
How far is Mars from the Sun?
141,500,000 Miles
How old was The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad when he married Mother Clara? In what year did it take place?
22 years old; 1919
How many times a day did the Abunah Sheikh, Muhammad Ahmed Al-Mahi in Medina, Arabia say he prayed for The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan?
500 times a day
Adam in the Holy Qur'an is referred to "successor" or "ruler." What is the term in Arabic?
In Habakkuk 3:3 it states that _______ came from __________, the _______ from _____________. His glory covered the heavens and His praise filled the earth.
God; Teman; Holy One; Mount Paran
What is the diameter of Mercury?
3,000 Miles
At around what month and year did Master Fard Muhammad formally set up the structure of The Temple, The University of Islam, The FOI Class, The MGT and GCC Class and Laborers?
Late December 1932/Early January 1933
What book given to The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan by Malcolm X did he say he wanted us to read at Saviours' Day 2024?
We Charge Genocide
The collective community of Muslims in the world is known as _____________.
The Ummah
In Ezekiel 3:17, it states “Son of man, I have made you a _________ for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them ________ from me.
Watchman; Warning
According to The Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, all planets have life on them because they have what?
When did The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad first travel to the Middle East and Africa? Who was sent to secure his travel?
November 21, 1959 - January 6, 1960; Minister Malcolm X
What school did The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan attend in 7th grade, which is famous for being "the oldest public school in America?"
Boston Latin School. He finished the rest of his formal education at Boston English.
The Arabic word for Prophet, which means mouthpiece of Allah (God), is ______________.