The name of a city harmed when Mt. Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D.
What is Pompeii? OR
What is Herculaneum?
The legendary founder of Rome and first king
Who was Romulus?
The Goddess of the hunt and moon
Who was Diana?
The meaning of 'i.e', coming from "id est"?
What is "that is"? OR
What is "it is"?
Gladiator fights took place here
What is the Colosseum ?
The most famous road that connected Rome to Brundisium
What was the Via Appia/Appian Way? OR
What was the Regina Viarum?
The day of Julius Caesar's death
What is the Ides of March? OR
What is March 15th?
The name of the Greek leader of the Argonauts who obtained the Golden Fleece.
What was Jason?
This means "Errare est humanum."
What is "To err is human"?
Location of chariot races in Rome
What is the Circus Maximus?
Seaport sixteen miles away from Rome.
What is Ostia?
The members of the Second Triumvirate, including the man who would later become the first emperor of Rome
Who were Octavian/Augustus, Mark Antony, and Lepidus?
This father-son pair escaped incarceration via man-made wings, but one of them flew too close to the sun.
Who were Daedalus & Icarus?
E Pluribus Unum
What is "Out of many one"? OR
What is "One out of many"?
What are the public baths?
Three types of government Rome had during its history in chronological order
What were the monarchy/kings, the Republic, and the Empire?
Founder of the Roman Republic (full name, please)
Who was Lucius Junius Brutus?
Which Trojan princess did Apollo gift with prophecy, only to turn that gift into an unbelievable curse after she rejected him?
Who is Cassandra?
The car salesman says this car is a __ __ deal because he's selling it to you in good faith.
What is "bona fide" or a "bona fide" deal?
the Senate House
What is the Curia?
The year that marked the end of the Roman monarchy and the beginning of the Roman Republic
What was 509 B.C.?
The last king of Rome and the last emperor of Rome, both in Latin
Who were Tarquinius Superbus and Romulus Augustulus?
The twin half-brothers of Helen of Troy, who make up the Gemini constellation
Who were Castor and Pollux?
This Latin saying for "to the stars through adversity" reminds us that the struggle may be real, but we can still end up stellar.
What is the saying "ad astra per aspera"?
What is the Campus Martius?