A person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
What is the definition of an immigrant?
The process of adopting the culture/social patterns of the receiving community
What is acculturation?
The forced school setting in 1800-1900s
What is a residential or boarding school?
The event or time period that started the notion of racial hierarchy
What is the 1400s and/or transatlantic slave trade?
The acronym for immigrant-origin children and youth
What is IOC&Y?
Families, Schools, and Neighborhoods
What are examples of microsystems?
Top priority of the acculturation process for US government
What is eliminating Native languages?
President Johnson's Act to end discrimination in US immigration policy
What is the 1965 Immigration Act?
A refugee
What is the name for people who flee their country due to "well-founded fear of persecution for reason of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion"?
Immigration policies, resettlement programs, attitudes toward migrants
What are examples of political & social contexts of reception?
Methods used in the article
What is mixed methods; or what is community-based participatory research?
Agency that enforces immigration law within 100 miles within the border
What is Customs and Border Protection?
The act of leaving one's home country to settle in another.
What is emigration?
Ideas without borders (e.g., xenophobia), push and pull-migration re: jobs, wars/political upheava
What are Global Forces?
An example of a microassault listed in the article
What is discrimination at sporting events, or school, or in discipline?
Example of how ICE differs from law enforcement
What are far fewer constraints (example: excessive use of force)?
Authorized to live and work permanently in the U.S., often holding a Green Card.
What is a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR)?
Develop-mental tasks, psychological adjustment, & acculturative tasks
What are the three parts of the conceptual framework?
An example of microinvalidation in the article
What is invalidating historical trauma, native voices, or sovereignty?
After 9/11 the Immigration and Natruatlization Service spun off into 3 new agenices.
What are the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services, Custom and Border Protection, and Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE)?