Drug Abuse/Alcoholism
True Or False
True Or False

A driver taking methadone for substance abuse treatment may be certified for three months.
A) True
B) False

B) False, methadone is disqualifying


The maximum duration of a federally-granted waiver or exemption is _______________
A) Three months
B) Six months
C) One year
D) Two years

D) Waiver durations may vary, although they cannot exceed two years


If a driver has whisper test results of : |Rt. Ear: 4 feet| Lt. Ear 4 Feet| s/he meets hearing standards for CMV driver certification.
A) True
B) False

B) Whisper test minimums are at least 5 feet in at least one ear.


Drivers must be able to meet minimum hearing requirements in both ears in order to be medically certified.
A) True
B) False

B) Adequate hearing in only one ear is required.


FMCSA vision testing standards require field of vision of at least _______ in the horizontal meridian of _____________ eye (s).
A) 50, one
B) 70, both
C) 85, one
D) 85, both

B) Field of vision should be performed on both eyes, and adequate field of vision of at least 70 degrees in each eye must be demonstrated


The maximal certification internal for a driver with a history of drug abuse or alcoholism is
A) Six months
B) One year
C) Two years
D) Do not certify

C) Drivers with a history of drug abuse or alcoholism may be certified forup to two years. Drivers may be subject to drug and/or alcohol testing more frequently, but such testing is performed under 49 CFR Part 40 drug and alcohol testing regulations, not under 49 CFR Part 391.41 driver qualification standards


The most common medications used to treat vertigo are:

A) Antihistamines
B) Antibiotics
C) Aspirin
D) Antipsychotics

A) Antihistamines are the most commonly prescribed medication for the treatment of vertigo


Medical examiners may grant vision exemptions for drivers that do not meet vision qualification standards
A) True
B) False

B) Only the FMCSA may grant exemptions of any type


Drivers with chronic pulmonary tuberculosis (tB) should be disqualified regardless of disease severity
A) True
B) False

B) Pulmonary tuberculosis is not automatically disqualifying


The driver requiring vision correction may be certified for up to
A) Six months
B) One year
C) Two years
D) Five years

C) Drivers requiring vision correction may be certified for up to two years.


Recertification o the driver disqualifying for alcohol abuse requires the driver to
A) Have an evaluation y a substance abuse professional (SAP)
B) Have a referral by the driver's primary care physican stating the driver is attending a self-help group
C) Have a complete physical examination
D) Have a drug test

A) A driver disqualified for alcohol abuse must be evaluated by a substance abuse professional prior to return to duty and complete any rehabilitation program recommended by the substance abuse professional. The driver also must undergo return to duty alcohol testing.


Drivers should refrain from driving for _______________ after taking antihistamines (prescription or OTC) or narcotic antitussives
A) 6 hours
B) 8 hours
C) 12 hours
D) 24 hours

A minimum of 12 hours is required before driving for a driver that has taken an antihistamine or narcotic antitussive medication


A driver with monocular vision who has been granted a federal vision exemption or who is qualified by operation of 49 CFR 391.64 must have an annual physical examination.

True. Even though a vision exemption is provided for two years, the driver must undergo annual examination


Supplemental oxygen use is disqualifying

A) True
B) False

A) Supplemental oxygen use is disqualifying


What is the BP range for stage 1 hypertension?
A) 140/90 through 159/99 or 140-159/90-99
B) 140/90 through 149/99 or 140-149/90-99
C) 150/90 through 159/99 or 150-159/90-99
D) 160/100 through 179/109 or 160-179/100-109

A) Stage 1 hypertension is SBP/DBP of 140-159/90-99


The Medical Examiner should be familiar with DOT drug and alcohol testing requirements as outlined in:
A) 49 CFR Part 40
B) 40 CFR Part 38
C) 49 CFR Part 66
D) 49 CFR Part 12

A) DOT drug and alcohol testing regulations are described in 49 CFR Part 40


A driver takes Benadryl 25 mg, 2 to 3 times per day, to treat nasal congestion. The medical examiner should:
A) Advised the driver to use diphenhydramine nor more than twice daily
B) Advise the driver to consult with PCP to evaluate chronic congestion and obtain treatment that does not interfere with safe driving
C) Prescribe a non-sedating inhaler
D) Contact DOT to advise of a safety concern

B) Drivers should be advised to follow up with their treating physicians to obtain treatments that are not sedating


A driver who has Hepatitis C who is stable and whose condition does not represent a safety risk may be certified
A) True
B) False

A) Hepatitis C is not disqualifying


Drivers with chronic pulmonary tuberculosis (tB) should be disqualified regardless of disease severity
A) True
B) False

B) Pulmonary tuberculosis is not automatically disqualifying


The maximum period of certification for a driver disqualified for Stage 3 hypertension, but who has, at the certification examination, a BP less than or equal 140/90, is:
A) One year
B) Six months
C) Three months
D) Two years

B) Drivers with Stage 3 hypertension are certified for maximum six-month intervals.


Which of the following is true?
A) One of the requirements for the CMV drier physical examination is testing for controlled substances
B) A driver taking multiple medications reports daily, regular or moderate use of alcohol. The Medical Examiner should evaluate the possibility of medication interactions with alcohol that may cause impairment
C) Even in remission, alcoholism is disabling for the CMV driver
D) Use of Schedule I drugs is not disqualifying

B) Testing for controlled substances if not required for the CMV driver examination. Alcoholism in remission is not a disqualifying condition. Use of Schedule I drugs is disqualifying.


According to regulation, what medical examiner documentation is required when a driver applies for a SPE certificate?
1) The Medication Examination Report
2) Certification from a board certified or eligible physiatrist or orthopedic surgeon that the driver is otherwise qualified to drive
3) The Medical Examiner's certificate, indicating that medical certification must be accompanied by a SPE certificate
4) Results of the functional capacity evaluation (FCE)

A) 1,2, and 3 only
B) 1 and 3 only
C) 2 and 4 only
D) 4 only
E) all of the above

A) A functional capacity evaluation (FCE) is not a requirement for SPE certificate application


A driver with a successful kidney transplant can be certified
A) True
B) False

A) Kidney transplants are not disqualifying


If the Substance Abuse Professional determines that current alcoholism exists, the driver is not qualified to drive a commercial motor vehicle in interstate commerce
A) True
B) False

A) Drivers with a current diagnosis of alcoholis are disqualified


A driver with a history of major depression should be evaluated at least every _______________ by an appropriate mental health specialist who understands the functions and demands of commercial motor vehicle driving.
A) Six months
B) One year
C) Two years
D) Such evaluation is not required

B) The maximum certification interval for a driver with a history of major depression is one year. Regulatory guidance is somewhat confusing: guidance recommends annual evaluation by a mental health professional who understands the functions and demands of commercial driving, but requires evaluation every two years by a specialist, such as psychiatrist or psychologist who understands the functions and demands of comical driving
