
You arrive to a 48 year old male complaining of his chest feeling heavy. The patient is awake a talking to you. During your assessment you note that his skin is pale, cool, and clammy. Your first step is to:

a. Apply your AED

b. Administer supplemental oxygen

c. Obtain a past medical history

d. Assist the patient in taking his nitroglycerin

What is B. Administer supplemental oxygen


You should not suction a patients airway for more than 15 seconds because..

a. The patient can vomit more

b. The patient is at risk for hypoxia during that time

c. Risk of damage to the airway

d. The suction units may drain too quickly 

B. What is The patient is at risk for hypoxia during this time


Seizures in pediatrics patients most often are a result of..

a. A life threatening infection

b. A temperature greater than 102 F

c. An abrupt rise in body temperature

d. An inflammatory process in the brain

C. What is An abrupt rise in temperature 


Your patient has what to appears to be a dislocated shoulder. Treatment for this patient should be:

a. Sling and swathe the injured shoulder 

b. Immobilize the arm to the side of the patient

c. Reset the shoulder and then immobilize

d. Wrap the upper body in a blanket and immobilize both arms

A. What is Sling and swathe the injured shoulder


You arrive on scene to a patient who fell off a ladder. You should open the patients airway by using..

a. Head tilt/chin lift

b. Neck lift/head tilt

c. Jaw thrust maneuver 

d. Head tilt/jaw thrust

C. What is Jaw thrust maneuver


You are called to a nursing home for a patient with swelling inner legs. You find a 76 year old female sitting in a wheelchair, assessment confirms pitting in both lower extremities. You are able to palpate a dorsals pedal pulse bilaterally. Her skin is pink, warm, and dry. Her lungs are clear bilaterally. Which of the following conditions do you suspect? 

a. Deep vein thrombosis

b. Chronic CHF

c. Poor perfusion

d. Atherosclerosis

B. What is Chronic CHF


You are assessing an 84 year old female complaining of difficulty breathing, patient's daughter is at bedside. Upon assessment you note crackles, skin is hot to the touch, and pink-frothy sputum. SPO2 is 84%, BP is 110/80, HR is 122. What could be the cause of your patients findings? 

a. Pneumonia 

b. Pulmonary Edema

c. Sepsis

d. Congestive heart failure

A. What is Pneumonia


Which of the following is NOT an imminent sign that birthing is going to occur? 

a. Crowning has occurred

b. Contractions are 5 minutes apart

c. The patient feels the infants head moving down her birth canal

d. The patients abdomen is very hard

What is B. Contractions are 5 minutes apart


You arrive on scene to find an unresponsive female patient who is in her car in the garage. Her car is still running and the door is closed. Looking through the outside window, your next course of action would be to:

a. Attempt an immediate rescue

b. Open the large garage door and any other outside openings

c. Wait for the gar to run out of gas

d. Shut the car off immediately and remove the patient

B. What is Open the large garage door and any other outside openings


You are assessing a 24 year old male who was involved in a bar brawl. Witnesses say the patient was struck with a barstool, the patient is unresponsive. You note battle signs during your assessment. This is a sign of..

a. Inter-cranial bleeding 

b. Basilar skull fracture

c. Epidural hematoma

d. Subdural hematoma

B. What is Basilar skull fracture


You arrive on scene to a 45 year old male in an MVA. The patient is complaining of shortness of breath and chest pain. You recognize the patient has JVD and a weak thready pulse. You believe the patient has a cardiac tamponade. You distinguish this problem with the patient by nothing OR discovering..

a. Decreased heart sounds

b. Patient has JVD

c. Narrowing blood pressure

d. The patent is complaining of chest pain

C. What is Narrowing blood pressure


You arrive on scene to find a 37 year old male lying supine on the ground with needle sticking out of his arm. You note the patient is not breathing but has a weak pulse of 57. What is your first course of action? 

a. Administer narcan

b. Begin ventilating with a BVM

c. Remove the needle and place in a sharps container

d. Begin CPR

B. What is Begin ventilating with a BVM


There are three stages of labor, in the second stage of labor..

a. Labor pains develop 

b. The cervix become dilated

c. The baby is born

d. The placenta is expelled

C. What is The baby is born


You arrive on scene to assess a 60 year old female complaint of a headache. Upon entering the home, you smell a strong order of natural gas. What is your first action? 

a. Assess the patients ABC's

b. Open all windows and call HAZMAT

c. Remove the patient and take them to your ambulance

d. Notify dispatch and leave the scene

C. What is remove the patient and take them to your ambulance


You are the triage officer of a MCI. Which of the following patients should be treated first?

a. A 37 year old female who is unresponsive

b. An 18 year old male who is not breathing and has no pulse

c. A 29 year old male with a femur fracture

d. An 8 year old female who is conscious but having difficulty breathing

A. What is A 37 year old female who is unconscious


You are treating a 63 year old female patient with shortness of breath, chest pain, and is coughing up a frothy sputum. You would suspect this patient has..

a. Emphysema 

b. Pneumonia

c. Left sided CHF

d. Bronchitis

C. What is Left sided CHF


You are called to a scuba diver who is having trouble breathing. The patient states it started shortly after they breached the water. She complains of chest pain, dizziness, blurred vision, and n/v. This patient is most likely suffering from..

a. Pneumothorax

b. Decompression sickness

c. Barotrauma

d. An air embolism

D. What is An air embolism


You arrive on scene to an 8 year old female who has a brief seizure at school. Her mother arrives on scene the same time you do and states the patient has seizure often and is under medical treatment. What should you do? 

a. Request ALS transport and law enforcement

b. Have the mother administer the child's prescribed dose of seizure control medication 

c. Maintain ABC's, take vital signs, and transport the patient

d. Ensure the patients airway and request medical direction regarding transport

D. What is Ensure the patients airway and request medical direction regarding transport


You are treating a patient suffering from anaphlylactic shock. What are the signs and symptoms you would likely see in this patient?

a. Urticaria, bradycardia, tachypnea, and stridor

b. Subcutaneous emphysema, bradycardia, dyspnea, and wheezing

c. Urticaria, hypertension, tachypnea, and tachycardia 

d. Urticaria, tachycardia, tachypnea, and hypotension

D. What is Urticaria, tachycardia, tachypnea, and hypotension


You are called to the scene of a possible drowning at a local pool. When you arrive on scene, a bystander is holding the patient at the surface of water. The patient is unconscious, you next step is to..

a. Begin rescue breathing

b. Initiate c-spine immobilization

c. Start CPR

d. Assess the airway

B. What is Initiate c-spine immobilization 


You arrive on scene to a 41 year old female presenting with N/V, cool and clammy skin, and complaining of pressure in their chest. What is your first course of action? 

a. Obtain a history, full set of vital signs, and rapidly transport

b. Request ALS, administer Aspirin, and obtain a full set of vitals

c. Assist the patient in taking Nitroglycerin

d. Request ALS, determine if the chest pain is cardiac, and obtain a full set of vitals

D. Request ALS, determine if the chest pain is cardiac, and obtain a full set of vitals


Which of the following are early signs of respiratory distress in children and infants? 

a. Breathing rate less than 10 per minute, limp muscle tone, slow/absent heart rate, weak/absent distal pulses

b. Increased rate of breathing, nasal flaring, intercostal retractions, mottled skin color, abdominal muscle tone

c. Altered mental status, respiratory rate over 60 or under 20 breaths a minute, cool and clammy skin

d. Inability to cough, crying with tears but no sounds, cyanosis, no abdominal or chest wall movements, absent breath sounds

What is B.


Emergency care for a 7 year old with a foreign body air way obstruction includes:

a. Standing behind the patient and performing sub-diaphragmatic thrusts

b. Holding the child over your knee and performing back blows

c. Placing the child supine and beginning rescue breaths

d. Attempt to open the child's airway and see the obstruction

A. What is Standing behind the patient and performing sub-diaphragmatic thrusts


Your patient is vomiting large amounts of bight red blood. Your patient is has a pulse of 128, skin is cool and clammy, with a jaundice appearance. Your patient is having difficulty breathing as well. They have no pain and the abdomen is unremarkable during your assessment. You would suspect this patient has: 

a. An upper GI bleed

b. Esophageal varices

c. Appendicitis

d. Liver failure

B. What is Esophageal Varices


Following an explosion, a patient is trapped in a. collapsed structure and suffers crush injuries to both lower extremities. How would the injuries be classified on the blast-injury scale?

a. Primary 

b. Secondary

c. Tertiary

d. None of the above

C. What is Teritary
