This term refers to a strong identification with one's nation and a desire for its superiority over others.
This harmful effect of nationalism can manifest in restrictive immigration laws and racial profiling.
A synonym for "xenophobia," this word means an intense dislike or fear of people of other colour.
This word means a strong identification with one's own nation and the desire for its superiority over others.
This vocabulary word means the breaking apart of a society into isolated groups.
Nationalism can create this type of mentality, leading to discrimination and exclusion.
"us versus them" mentality
Nationalism can undermine this type of governance, prioritizing national strength over civil liberties.
democratic governance
This synonym for "discrimination" means unjust treatment based on differences.
This term refers to unfair treatment of people because of their race, ethnicity, religion, or other differences.
This word describes the action or process of making something less effective or successful.
This historical event was fueled by nationalist fervor and led to global conflict in the early 20th century.
World War I (and WWII)
This modern-day challenge is complicated by nationalist movements, requiring global cooperation to address effectively.
climate change and pandemics
This word means the same as "conflict" and refers to a serious disagreement or argument.
This word describes intense fear or hatred of foreigners.
This term means formal arguments or conflicts between nations
international tensions
Nationalism can lead to this type of economic policy, which imposes tariffs and trade barriers.
Nationalism often results in this negative social consequence, where communities within a nation become polarized.
social fragmentation
This synonym for "authoritarian" describes a system of government that requires strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.
This term means the act of introducing tariffs and trade barriers to protect domestic industries.
This term describes rules that limit people's freedoms and rights for supposed national benefits. (no penalisation)
restrictive policies
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This type of government may suppress dissent and control the media under the guise of national unity.
authoritarian government
Nationalistic rhetoric can escalate into this type of policy, leading to international tensions.
aggressive foreign policy
This word, similar to "nationalistic," means having excessive pride in one's own nation.
This term refers to a form of government that suppresses dissent and controls the media in the name of national unity.
authoritarian government
This rather positive word means extreme loyalty or support for one's country