Jean Jaques Dessalines proclaimed this country free in 1804?
What is Haiti?
These people gained their independence from the Ottoman empire in 1830
Who are the Greeks?
The Romanov's were the royal family of this aging empire
What is Russia?
This political group saw nationalism as a force for disunity
Who are the Conservatives?
The "Iron Chancellor"
Who is Otto von Bismarck?
Bismarck claimed that all important decisions would be made by this
What is Iron and Blood?
Refusing to revert back to a colonial status was the beginning of this South American county's independence movement
What is Brazil?
Most Latin American countries gained independence from this old empire
What is Spain?
Culture, religion, and language are examples of this
What are bonds that create a nation-state?
This country's name means "mountainous land"
What is Haiti?
He led a army of mostly Mestizos and Indians to free his country from the Spanish
Who is Miguel Hidalgo?
This kingdom led the Italian unification movement
What is Sardinia?
This aging empire was under pressure from other countries to offer citizenship to all of its citizens
What is the Ottoman Empire?
Nationalism was a factor in this country's drive for industrialization
What is Russia?
He was the first sitting monarch to be captured in battle in 500 years
Who is Napoleon III?
He liberated several South American countries and is called the "George Washington of South America"
Who is Simon Bolivar?
A Prussian dominated German confederation was a consequence of this Bismarckian created conflict
What is the Seven Weeks War?
The Dual Monarchy was the other name given to this aging empire after 1867
What is Austria Hungary?
This is a country with an independent government that defends its territory and represents itself to the world
What is a nation-state?
These are a group of people that advise a leader on matters of policy
What is a cabinet?
He was Victor Emmanuel's prime minister and key participant in Italy's unification process
Who is Camilio di Cavour?
Rome, The Papal States, and this independent province were the last to unify with Italy
What is Venetia?
Conservative Turks violently persecuted this ethnic minority they believed were undermining the authority of the empire
Who are the Armenians?
Culturally distinct groups forming a new state by accepting a single culture is this type of nationalist movement
What is state-building?
He was inspired to write his famous novel while trapped in a Paris street battle in the1830's
Who is Victor Hugo?