What is a tribe?
A group of people, families, or villages that share the same language, social customs, and ancestors.
What tribes lived in Wigwams?
All of them:
Miami, Shawnee, Potawatomi, Deleware, and Kickapoo
What are two vegetables most tribes ate?
Corn and Squash
What is a Wigwam?
A Native American shelter, shaped like a dome, made up of poles covered with bark, hides, or mats.
What tribe migrated from Illinois?
What is an animal the Algonquian people would hunt?
Deer or buffalo
Native Americans would create a belt that told a story. What is the belt called?
What tribe lived in Southern Indiana?
What is a hunting tool the Native Americans would use?
Bow and arrow
Describe the Algonquian people
- Algonquian is a language
- Algonquian people lived in Indiana
What two tribes lived in central Indiana?
Miami and Delaware
What did the Miami people create that they were known for?
Beaded work
What are Chiefs?
Leaders of the tribes
What tribe lived in woodland areas?
What did the Shawnee people wear in the winter?