This is the literal translation of the word Comanche.
The primary winter dwelling place for the tribe
The tribe fought with the British during this war.
The Revolutionary War
The tribes built their homes to face this direction.
In most Native American tribes, these individuals are seen as the wisdom keepers.
The original homelands of the tribe were in this mountain range.
The Rocky Mountains
The ultimate punishment for a tribe member who broke the law
This tribe originated from parts of the U.S. and which other country?
These tribal members are partially credited for numerous WWII victories.
Code Talkers
This term is used to refer to the balance in nature that is desired.
They were often called "Lords of the Plains" because of their proficiency in this activity
horseback riding
The belief that all natural phenomenon have a spiritual essence
Foods regularly grown and eaten by this tribe included these "Three Sisters" crops.
corn, beans, and squash
This was the greatest challenge to the Navajo tribe prior to colonization.
The desert environment
Forced relocation, disease, and war were all results of this devastating historical event.
This organization was formed largely in response to what was seen as the Comanche problem.
The Texas Rangers
This form of transportation is believed to have originated with the Inuit people.
dog sledding
In 1635, this devastating disease killed over 63% of the Mohawk population.
Following interaction with the Spanish, this became a popular livestock herd in the tribe.
This term refers to the Native American value of having "just enough" to survive and not wasting.
Although the original leaders of the tribe included a war chief, civil chief, and band chief, the leader of the tribe in modern times is referred to by this title.
Those who were best at this activity were typically the leaders of the tribe.
They were a member of this governing body that worked to unite the tribes to stop fighting and live peacefully.
Iroquois Confederacy
This popular Southwest monument is located on Navajo land.
Four Corners
This is the primary teaching method used by most traditional Native American parents.