Native Americans


It is how the first humans came into America during one of the Ice Ages in prehistoric times.

What is: through a land bridge that formed when underwater ridges were exposed after glaciers formed when water levels dropped.


Believed one could sail west from Spain to get to the east (China).

After 10 years of begging, he gets funding (King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella)to sail to prove his theory. Gets 3 ships(Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria) and 90 sailors.

Landed in the Bahamas, thought he was in the Far East.

Who is Columbus?


The clue that settlers left behind for John White when he returned to a deserted Roanoke and what it might mean.

What is that the word "Croatoan" was carved on the door post. Croatoan could refer to the nearby Native American tribe, but whether the settlers joined the tribe or were killed by them is unsure.


They hoped to reform the Church of England from within. They soon left for America for religious freedom.

However, they were a bit religiously intolerant themselves. They wanted their colony to be run according to their interpretation of the Bible “They didn’t want other groups tainting the settlement with “impure” notions.

Who are the Puritans?


A grant of land & slaves to a European colonist, and the right of a conquistador to demand a tax from Native Americans living on a given piece of land.

What is an Encomienda?


These were centers run by Roman Catholic priests for converting Native Americans to Christianity.

What are missions?


Northwest Coast Native Americans held these, or feasts where the host gave away valuable possessions to showcase their wealth.

What are potlatches?


Explorer whose crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe.

Who is Magellan?


Jamestown was financed by this type of where funds are pooled by many investors who share in the financing. The amount of profit or loss by any one person depended on the amount of shares owned. However, if the company went bankrupt, the investor was only liable for their investment. Creditors could not seize the investor’s personal property as payment.

What is a joint stock company?


 The simple agreement that the Pilgrims would consult each other about matters concerning the community and to abide by majority rule. 

What was the Mayflower Compact?


In 1494, in order to settle a territorial claim dispute between Spain and Portugal, and prevent a war between two Catholic nations, the Pope had the two countries sign this treaty, which made a line of demarcation 1,100 miles west of the Azores. Everything undiscovered west of the line was Spain’s, everything east was Portugal’s.

What is the Treaty of Tordesillas?


These were designed in the shape of a rectangle, surrounded by huge, thick walls and were made to promote Spanish military activities.

What are presidios?


This Native American group built kivas, underground ceremonial chambers for sacred or religious ceremonies and were matrilineal societies where women held all property rights. They could divorce their husbands just by putting their husbands' belongings outside the front door.

Who are the Pueblo?


Spanish explorer who was in search of the "Fountain of Youth" in Florida

Who is Ponce de Leon?


Name two major adversities of the Pilgrims when they landed at Plymouth Rock the first year.

What are:

1) They arrived during the winter, just after planting season, and half the settlers died.

2) The land at Plymouth was sandy and difficult to farm. The Natives had to show them how to use fish as fertilizer to plant crops.


In exchange for teaching the Pilgrims how to farm, the Native Pauquunaukit/Wampanoag tribe want this from the Pilgrims.

What is to help them attack a rival tribe using their advanced weaponry.


Dominican priest who devoted his life to rescuing Native Americans from slavery and Spanish abuses, and advocated for using African slave labor instead.

Who is Bartolome de Las Casas?


An instrument used to find the altitude of the stars which helped captains fix a ship's location.

What is an astrolabe?


•This Eastern Woodlands tribe created a League to regulate relations in each tribe, bring an end to "in-fighting" among the tribes and to defend against outsiders.

Who are the Iroquois?


Spanish explorer who defeated Montezuma and the Aztecs while looting their gold.

Who is Cortez?


Name 4 things that set up Jamestown to fail.

Possible answers:

What are:

The site they chose to live on was marshy and lacked safe drinking water.

Didn't bring enough food/supplies.

The settlers lacked some skills necessary to provide for themselves. They came with “gold chemical kits” but not basic farming skills.

Many settlers died of starvation and disease.

No women for procreation to start families and drop roots.

Settlers didn't want to do backbreaking work.

The Colonists began stealing and attempting to intimidate the Native Americans.


A former Puritan, Roger Williams gets banned from Massachusetts for believing the state shouldn’t interfere with church matters and force people to worship in a particular way. So he buys land from the Native Americans and forms this colony.

What is Rhode Island?


Name 4 main causes/influences for interest  in the New World, and why there were a rush of explorations in the Age of Discovery.

•1) Crusades-(1096-1270)Introduced new ideas and knowledge by bringing back books by Arabic scholars. They also brought back items such as spices, perfumes and fabrics that introduced new ideas of food fashion and comfort.

•2) Marco Polo’s trip to China- (1271-1292)His account of his travels to China revealed Asian goods were cheaper in China than in Europe, China was bordered by oceans, not impassable swamps as was previously thought, and had fine silks, gold, jewels and spices which could improve the flavor of food which was usually bland from being over-salting. (For preservation)

•3) Advances in science and technology- Helped navigation accuracy. Compasses and Astrolabes helped a captain  find direction and location. The quadrant, an invention from the Renaissance, enabled a sailor to take bearings from the sun or stars to plot a ship’s position on a map.

•4) The Renaissance- (14th century-17th century) Period of intellectual revival in Europe where attitudes toward life, learning and religion were “awakened” . Arabic scholars brought back from the Crusades re-introduced European scholars to classical Greek and Roman writings and philosophies. People also started to study the advances Arabs made in science and math.

5) Battle of Constantinople- A battle fought between Muslims and Christians, in which the Muslims won and ended up controlling the center of the Spice trade. This led Christians to find other ways of getting to the Far East.


A vessel created to help ships sail into the wind.

What is a caravel?


•Rose to power sometime after 1200 A.D. AS power grew from conquering their neighbors, they forced them to pay tribute in food and labor.

•Erected the spectacular city-Tenochtitlan (later became modern day Mexico City. Pyramid of the Sun dominated the City. It was there where human sacrifices occurred to satisfy their chief god, Huitzilopochtli.

•Floating artificial islands surrounded Tenochtitlan.

•They had fresh water through aqueducts, paved streets  and excelled in astronomy.

Who are the Aztecs?


A Spanish Explorer, in 1513 he made a journey across Isthmus of Panama(narrow strip connecting North and South America)

When he reached a mountain he climbed to the top and overlooked the Pacific. He called it the South Sea, incorrectly thinking it was just south of Asia. He had no idea of the size of the Pacific.

Claimed Pacific Ocean and adjoining lands for Spain

Who is Balboa?


Name 3 things John Smith did and 3 things John Rolfe did to save Jamestown from ruin.

John Smith:

As leader of the Jamestown Colony he helped to restore order  with one simple rule “He that will not work, will not eat.”

He stopped their futile search for gold. 

He had the settlers build shelters, clear the land began planting crops.

He also initiated trading relationships with the Powhatan Indian tribes lead by Chief Powhatan.

John Rolfe:

In 1612, John Rolfe takes over as “leader” of the Jamestown colony.

He realized tobacco was the key to success in Jamestown- It was something Europeans wanted and it would attract new settlers. He plants tobacco seeds and after the first year, it makes a million dollars.(In today's money)

Raising tobacco also involved backbreaking work, which settlers found distasteful, so slavery became a big business as well.

 Marries Pocahontas to ensure peace between Native Americans and English settlers.


Name 4 reasons why setters left England and went to Plymouth.

•Some left England to go to the New World to have more job options. In the upper classes, the eldest son inherited all the family wealth and the younger sons were forced to be clergy, the army or compete for posts on the royal court.

•Lower classes saw acre and acre of English farmland being fenced in for sheep pastures because wool became important for the English economy. So, land was disappearing for those who tilled the land as tenant farmers for land. They were evicted and needed new land to farm.

•Middle classes of merchants and artisans lived prosperously, but didn’t want to live in cramped housing, filthy streets with open sewers, frequent fires, water shortages, crime, etc.

Others left for religious freedom.


Name three ways the English were able to defeat the Spanish Armada.

What are:

1) The English ships were smaller, faster and more maneuverable ships.

2) A storm helped scatter the Spanish fleet

3) English had long-range heavy guns

4) The English sent 8 burning ships into the crowded harbor at Calais where the Spanish had docked their fleet to rest.


Term that means that one's descent within a family is traced through the mother's bloodline.

What is matrilineal?
