What is The Eastern Woodlands?
What is forests, coastlines, rivers and hills?
The Lakota lived in this
What is a Teepee?
The Lakota men's occupation
What is hunting and warriors?
This is the region that we live in
What is Eastern Woodlands?
This is how the Powhatans traveled
What is walking and canoes?
The Powhatan men's occupation
What is hunters and fishermen?
The Lakota live in this region
What is The Plains?
The climate of The Plains
What is hot summers and harsh, cold winters?
This tribe contributed art
What is Lakota?
The Powhatans ate these 5 animals
What is turkey, squirrel, deer, fish and rabbit?
The Powhatan women's occupation
What is builders and farmers?
This was the Lakota's main resource
What is Buffalo?
The Lakota women's occupation
What is building and farming?
These are the 3 Native American Tribe names
What is Powhatan, Lakota and Pueblo?
The climate of the Eastern Woodlands
What is the 4 seasons?
The Powhatans contributions
What is respecting nature and farming?
This is what the Lakota ate
What is pemmican, berries and buffalo?
The Lakotas contributions
What is respecting nature, farming and art?
This tribe lived in the Southwest Region
What is Pueblo?
What is a Longhouse?
Beans, corn and squash
This is how the Lakota traveled
What is foot and horses?
The Lakota were known as this because they did not stay in one place for a long time
What is a Nomad?
This is what the Lakota called horses
What is "sacred dogs"?