where did NA sleep/live ?
in tribes
where/how did NA live ?
the NA's hair
what did white people cut ?
what is the nickname commonly given to NA ?
how did NA collect water from streams and rivers ?
white people
who colonized the NA territory ?
new English names
- what were the NA given ?
- with what were their NA names replaced ?
sharp teeth (fangs)
what were their necklaces made of ?
a type of weapon
what is a "bow"?
from Europe
Where did the colonizers come from ?
to boarding schools
where were NA children sent ?
what is the English for "indéchirable" ?
what could be found on war-bonnet?
with ships
how did the colonizers come/travel to America ?
they adopted the children
what did white families do with NA children ?
as wild and dangerous animals
how were NA represented ?
in harmony
how did NA live with Nature ?
it shrank
what happened to the NA territory ?
their culture and identity
what did NA lose ?
- nowadays, it is very racist and shocking
- but during the Empires era, that was the common representation at the beggining of the 20th century
Is it (the advert) a racist representation ?