An organization that people form which unites them for a particular purpose.
What is a league?
The Tuscarora
What was the sixth tribe that joined the Iroquois tribe?
A longhouse.
What did the Cheyenne live in?
How did the Hopi woman do their hair if they were not married?
Displaying wealth and generosity.
What was very important to the Kwakiutl culture?
Traditional dances and games of the Cheyenne.
What does Powwow mean?
Eastern Woodlands cultural region of North America
Where did the Iroquois live?
What did the Cheyenne use to get places?
Snake dance
What was the dance that the Hopi did that they hoped to bring rain?
Wood and trees for building houses.
What was plentiful in the Kwakiutl culture?
What does a Pueblo village look like?
A longhouse.
Where did the Iroquois live in?
Clothing, blankets, the cheyenne also carved buffalo into bowls.
What did the Cheyenne make animal parts out of?
Kachina dolls
What type of dolls did the Hopi use to educate young Hopi?
Vancouver Island and along the Pacific coast of what is now Canada.
Where did the Kwakiutl live?
A carved post with animals or other images representing a person's ancestors, was another way to show wealth.
What is a totem pole?
Animals, trees, and other resources around them.
What did the Irouquois have a deep connection with?
The Cheyenne lived in teepees while they hunted.
What did the Cheyenne live in while they hunted?
Mostly hot and arid.
What is the weather in the Southwest Desert cultural region?
How many blankets would a guest be given at a potlatch?
The polished seashells that were hung on stringsor woven into belts.
What is a wampum?
Great Spirit in heaven, we salute you with our thanks, that you have preserved so many of us for another year, tp participate in the ceremonies of this occasion.
What did the Iroquois say after harvest time?
In 1500s the Cheyenne brought horses to Mexico.
When did the Cheyenne bring horses from Spain to Mexico?
Yes, the Hopi did live in the Four Corners.
Did the Hopi live in the Four Corners?
No, the Kwakiutl did not grow crops for food.
Did the Kwakiutl grow crops for food?