Which tribe was set in Mexico, and its capital was Tenochtitlan?
Aztec Empire
Who conquered the Aztecs in 1521?
Herñan Cortes
Which country is in South America, and primarily speaks Portuguese?
The Mayan Empire built this landmark.
Chichen Itza
Which city in Latin America (population wise, and north of the equator) is the largest?
Mexico City
This Empire was located near the Andes Mountains, and spoke the language of Quechua?
Inca Empire.
How conquered the Inca Empire in 1531?
F. Pizzaro
This country is only 110 miles wide
The longest Mountain range in South America.
Andes Mountains
What is the smallest country in Central America?
Which tribe was set in the Caribbean Islands, and traded and fought with the Carib tribe?
Taino tribe
What originally was going to happen to Columbus when he went to Cuba?
Go to India, on the western side , and trade for spices.
The country's capital is Bogota.
This is as big as the contiguous 48 US States.
Amazon Rainforest
Which three countries/territories are the LEAST populated in Latin America?
Suriname, Guyana, and *French Guiana
**French Guiana is a territory of France
Which tribe was set in the Amazon Rainforest and starts with the letter N? (I'm giving you hints: you guys should thank me!)
Nuaraque tribe
Fill in then blank: Columbus took control over ____ in 1492.
This country is home to the largest city in Latin America (North of the Equator).
A place where people study astronomy, and space exploration, small and you need to bring water.
Atacama Desert.
What is the most ABUNDANT resource in Latin America?
Oil. *Extra points if you know which country produces the most*
The tribe was formally bigger than the Mayans, was really good at fishing, and was primarily set in Paraguay, South America.
Trick Question- NONE!!!
The Queen of Spain sent three ships to "India". What were the names of the ships?
Niña, Piñta, and the Santa Maria
Which country is in the Caribbean Islands, and was originally conquered by the French, and now speaks French and French Creole?
The San Andreas Fault is located here.
Trick Question- The San Andreas Fault is located in California.
DOUBLE THE POINTS, DOUBLE THE DIFFICULTY: The Andes Mountains spans through which seven countries
Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina.