Where was Christ born?
On what Coptic date do we celebrate Christmas?
Koiahk 29th
What has a head and a tail but no body?
A coin
What is the representation of incense?
Prayers being lifted up
In what city was Jesus raised in as a child?
How long is the Nativity fast and why?
43 days
Moses fasted 40 days to receive the word of God on the tablets, we fast 40 days to receive the Logos Incarnate
3 days for moving of the mountain of Mookutam
Grandpa went for a walk, and it started raining. He forgot to bring an umbrella and didn’t have a hat. When he got home, his clothes were soaking wet, but not a hair on his head was wet. How was this possible?
He is bald
The 3 liturgies in the Coptic church are
St. Cyril, St. Basil, and St. Gregory
This reading comes after the Pauline Epistle, but before the Acts of our Fathers
Catholic Epistle
What is the meaning of "Emmanuel"?
God be with us
What does the Censer and the charcoal inside symbolize?
They symbolize St. Mary carrying Jesus in her womb
What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps?
A river
What event happened on the Epiphany?
The Baptism of Jesus Christ.
This is placed over the altar/sanctuary to represent God overlooking upon his children.
Ostrich egg
What did the wise men bring to baby Jesus and what did they symbolize?
Gold (King)
Frankincense (Priest)
Myrrh (Suffering)
How many major feasts of the Lord are there and what are they?
Annunciation, Nativity, Epiphany, Palm Sunday, Resurrection, Ascension, and Pentecost
I am a five-letter word, and people eat me. If you remove the first letter, I become an energy form. If you remove the first two letters, I am needed to survive. Scramble the last three letters, and I am a drink. What word am I?
what event happened on the Annunciation feast?
Archangel Gabriel told St. Mary she will bring forth the Son of God
What Saint do we praise during the Coptic month of koiahk mednight praises?
St. Mary
What did Herod do when the wise men did not came back to him?
He ordered to kill every male child from age of 2 years old or younger
On what day of each Coptic month do we commemorate the Nativity?
I can flutter and take your breath away.
I can take a beating, but do not bruise.
If I stopped you would be sure to lose.
All day and night, I am with you.
What am I?
Your heart
What is the name of the of Blessing of water prayer Abouna does before the (Epiphany liturgy)?
Laquan prayer
Name the fruits of the Holy Spirit
Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control