Is the story of Jesus' birth in the Old Testament or the New Testament?
New Testament
How did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem?
What were the shepherds doing in the field?
Watching their flocks/sheep
What king wanted to kill Jesus after he was born?
King Herod
Who was Jesus' mother?
Why did Mary and Joseph have to stay in a stable?
There was no room for them in the inn.
Who appeared to the shepherds?
A host of angels
What was the name of the angel sent to tell Mary she would have a child?
Where was Jesus laid after he was born?
in a manger
What did the wise men follow to find Jesus?
a star
Where did the angel tell Joseph to flee to after Jesus was born?
What was the name of Mary's cousin who also was having a baby?
What was Jesus wrapped in after he was born?
swaddling cloths
How many gifts do we know of that the wise men brought Jesus?
What does the name Emmanuel mean?
God with us
Why did Mary and Joseph have to go to Bethlehem?
For the census
The birth of Jesus is called what?
The Nativity Story
Name the 3 gifts that the wise men brought Jesus.
Complete the verse: "For nothing will be __________ with God."
impossible (Luke 1:37)