A strong summer storm with lightning, heavy rain or strong winds.
The shaking of the ground cause by movement in the Earth's crust.
When water overflows onto normally dry land, often after heavy rain.
When the Moon moves in front of the Sun, blocking its light.
solar eclipse
When animals travel long distances to find food, mates or escape bad weather.
migration of animals
A violent, spinnin column of air that touches the ground and causes destruction.
A hole that suddenly opens in the groun when underground support collapses.
Strong, narrow currents of water that pull swimmers away from shore.
rip currents
When the Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the Moon, making it dark.
lunar eclipse
This is what it is called when coral loses its color and weakens due to warm ocean temperatures.
coral bleaching
A storm where balls of ice fall from the sky.
huge ocean waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea.
Giant, unexpected ocean waves that can be dangerous for ships.
rogue waves
When a large space rock crashes into Earth's surface.
Asteroid impact
A huge group of flying insects that destroy crops and plants.
locust swarms
This massive, spinning storm with strong winds and heavy rain forms over warm oceans. It goes by different names depending on where it occurs in the world. What three names do we call it?
Typhoon, Hurricane, Cyclone
A large mass of snow and ice that falls quickly down a mountain.
The wearing away of land along the coast due to waves and currents
coastal erosion
When a ball of ice and dust travelling around the Sun in its orbit passes close to Earth and becomes visible.
comet appearance
This is what it is called when too many algae grow in the water, making it harmful for fish and humans.
Algal blooms / Red Tide
A severe snowstorm with strong winds and low visibility.
The sudden movement of soil (dirt) down a slope.
A climate event where warm ocean water causes unusual weather around the world.
El Niño
When a group of shooting stars streak across the night sky.
meteor shower
2024 marked the first time since 1803 that two of this type of insect broods—the 17-year Brood XIII, concentrated in northern Illinois, and the 13-year Brood XIX found in southern Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas and throughout the Southeast—emerged together.