This type of resource can be replenished more quickly than it is used.
What is a renewable resource?
These resources cannot be replaced once they are used up.
What are nonrenewable resources?
The act of protecting and preserving natural resources.
What is conservation?
These large bodies of salt water cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface.
What are oceans?
He was a famous leader in the fight for civil rights and delivered the 'I Have a Dream' speech.
What is Martin Luther King Jr.?
This kind of energy is generated from the sun.
What is solar energy?
This black rock is used as a fuel source in power plants and is a major contributor to air pollution.
What is coal?
Reducing the use of resources to save them for the future.
What is conservation?
This natural cycle describes how water moves from the Earth to the atmosphere and back again.
What is the water cycle?
This woman refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.
Who is Rosa Parks?
Energy generated from wind is harnessed by these tall structures with blades that spin.
What is a wind turbine?
A fossil fuel commonly used for transportation and is processed into gasoline.
What is oil?
Turning off lights when leaving a room helps conserve this type of energy.
What is electricity?
This process in the water cycle involves the change from water vapor to liquid water, forming clouds.
What is condensation?
She was a conductor on the Underground Railroad and helped many slaves escape to freedom.
Who is Harriet Tubman?
This natural resource is used to power geothermal energy systems.
What is heat from the Earth?
This natural gas is often used for heating and cooking in homes.
What is natural gas?
Planting more trees can help conserve this essential gas that we breathe.
What is oxygen?
This term describes the continuous movement of water, such as into rivers, lakes, and oceans, from precipitation.
What is runoff?
He was the first African American president of the United States.
Who is Barack Obama?
This natural resource is a non-metal but essential in making paper and many household items.
What is wood?
This metal is highly valued for its rarity and use in jewelry, electronics, and as a currency.
What is gold?
This practice encourages using fewer new raw materials and reprocessing them for new products.
What is recycling?
These are the freshwater sources found in underground layers of rock or sediment.
What are aquifers?
She is a world-renowned gymnast known for her incredible performances at the Olympics.
Who is Simone Biles?