What organism had to adapt to the Industrial Revolution?
Peppered Moths
What is fitness?
An organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its environment
Arrangement of organisms based on their similarities
Charles Darwin
What organism(s) is selectively bred to produce meat or milk?
Cows, goats, etc.
What type of medicine kills bacteria?
Structures that have lost their use over time
Vestigial Structures
Identification tool used to categorize organisms. Gives a list with two distinct choices
Dichotomous Keys
Type of Selection where humans select desirable traits for breeding.
Artificial Selection
Why did poachers want tusks from elephants?
What type of medicine kills viruses?
Daily Double! Similar structures but have a different function
Homologous Structures
The study of naming organisms using binomial nomenclature
Type of selection where traits that offer an organism an advantage will be passed onto their offspring in nature
Natural Selection
What type of bird did Darwin study to conclude that their beak size correlated with their diet?
How do bacteria become antibiotic resistant?
They are overexposed to it due to overuse by humans and they can mutate and keep reproducing
Example of a vestigial structure.
What is the most specific level of classification?
Daily Double: An inherited trait that allows an organism to survive and reproduce
Why do humans need opposable thumbs?
They help us grasp things easier than if we didn't have thumbs
What is the name of the antibiotic-resistant bacteria that causes skin rashes and is resistant to methicillin
What is the name of Darwin's book?
On the Origin of Species
Please name one of the domains.
Bacteria, Archaea, or Eukarya
Name a type/example of Artificial Selection
Breeding, Animal husbandry, genetic modification, gene therapy