Well-tested explanation for a wide range of observations and experimental results.
What is scientific theory?
Process by which individuals who are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce
What is natural selection?
Unlike an organism with low fitness, an organism with high fitness has the ability to survive and _____________.
What is reproduce?
Process by which two species evolve in response to changes in each other over time
What is coevolution?
An inherited behavior or physical characteristic that helps an organism survive and reproduce.
What is adaptation?
Struggle among living things to get the necessary amount of food, water, and shelter.
What is competition?
Who was the Naturalist who studied evolution?
Who is Charles Darwin?
Because they create multiple alleles, mutations can cause ________.
What is variations in traits?
process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms
What is evolution?
Darwin observed that some variations make individuals better adapted to what?
What is their environments?
How well an individual can survive and reproduce in its environment
What is fitness?
Name one example of natural selection in nature.
What is the evolution of different beak shapes in Darwin's finches on the Galapagos Islands?
What type of fossils tell us what an animal did?
What is a trace fossil?
Who made the first attempt at developing a theory of evolution?
Who is Lamarck?
Helpful variations do what in a population?
What is accumulate?
Made up of all the fossils we have discovered
What is fossil record?
What are the four main principles of natural selection?
What is variation, inheritance, overproduction, and adaptation?
What was LUCA most likely?
What is a single-celled organism?
Darwin bred the fantail pigeon from the wild rock dove by using
What is artificial selection?
Give an example of a physical adaptation in animals.
a polar bear's thick fur coat, which allows it to survive in cold Arctic environments by providing insulation against the extreme temperatures; other examples include a cactus storing water in its stem to survive in deserts, or a chameleon changing its color to blend in with its surroundings (camouflage) to avoid predators
relationship in which one organism lives inside another organism's cells
What is endosymbiosis?
Give an example of natural selection in animals
the evolution of giraffe necks, where giraffes with longer necks have a better chance of reaching high leaves to eat, allowing them to survive and reproduce, thus passing on the gene for longer necks to future generations, leading to a population of giraffes with increasingly longer necks over time
How many mutations do researchers estimate each human child inherits from his or her parents?
What is 60?
Small, gradual changes in the color or size of a certain population is called: ____________.
What is microevolution?
What is the difference between structural and behavioral adaptations?
A structural adaptation refers to a physical feature of an organism that helps it survive in its environment, like the shape of a bird's beak or a cactus's spines, while a behavioral adaptation is an action or behavior an organism performs to adapt to its surroundings, such as migration patterns or nocturnal activity in desert animals