When organisms better adapt to their environment to survive and reproduce
What is Natural selection?
Much like its name, this insect adapted to blend in with sticks, trees, and wood.
What is a Stick Bug?
This is where Charles Darwin collected most of his studies of extinct animals
Where is South America?
This Greek Philosopher created the Scala Naturae, claiming that animals were fixed and unchanging.
Who was Aristotle?
In this leafy environment, there is scarce amounts of food and tall trees. There are also long necked giraffes and short necked giraffes. These Giraffes survive the food scarcity.
Where will Tall Giraffes survive?
a change or the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment.
What is Adaptation
While not common, humans are slowly evolving this way to become more accepting of Dairy products.
What is Lactose Tolerance.
these Islands allowed Darwin to discover diverse birds and come to the conclusion of unique animals in unique environments.
What are the Galapagos Islands?
Worked with Darwin in 1858, assisting and sending a hypothesis regarding natural selection.
Who was Alfred Russel Wallace?
Wolves come out to hunt Bunnies in an arctic environment. There are white Bunnies and Brown bunnies. These Bunnies survive the hunt.
Where do White Bunnies survive?
This is the movement of genetic material between populations.
What is Gene Flow?
This was evolved to help hold and grasp things better and work the hand more accurately
What are Thumbs?
This man argued that all geological features formed naturally
Who was James Hutton?
Short beaked birds and Long beaked birds live in the same environment. Food exists deep inside of plants, who is likely to survive the scarcity.
Where will Long-beaked birds survive?
The belief that everything was created by God, unchanged
What is Creationism?
This originally started as a snorkel on an animal, but eventually evolved to longer lengths in order to get food and water from difficult spaces.
What is an Elephants Tusk?
Darwin studied this before switching to Cambridge to study fossils.
What is Medical Studies?
This "Classification system" that grouped similar species into specific categories was created by this man.
Who was Carolus Linnaeus?
In this environment, the food is worked hard into the ground. There are rabbits with big bucked teeth, and rabbits with smaller teeth. Who survives the scarcity.
Where do big-teethed rabbits survive?
This is the random change in the frequency of a gene variant (allele) in a population over time.
What is Genetic Drift?
These differences form among birds as they spread across different islands and environments. (At least 2 correct)
What are beaks, legs, claws, wings, and/or feathers.
Darwin found strata in Sedimentary rock to study traces of organisms in the past. This is the study of fossils, also known as.
What is Paleontology?
This man proposed 2 principles to describe evolution: Use and disuse; and Inheritance of acquired characteristics.
Who is Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck?
Unlike natural selection, humans can artificially alter plants and animals. 5 vegetables can come from this one plant.
What is Wild Mustard?