Name a bioodiversity.
Species of plants, animals, insectes, fungi and microorganisms live...
What is the biggest mountain in the world?
How many percent of the ocean has been discoverd?
5% of the world ocean has been discoverd.
What cause a earthquake?
When the tectonic plates are moving it causes an earthquake.
Name a tyoe of tree in Canada
Sugar Maple, Red pine, White birch, Balsam fir, Maple...
Which country has highest biodiversity?
What is the most beautiful montain in the world?
Mount Fuji in Japan.
How many percent of the ocean is on Earth?
71% of Earth's surface.
What are the months that have the most tornado in US.
From March to July.
Does trees absorb carbon dioxide.
True or False
True they absorb billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide.
How many highers plants species does China has?
Over 35 000 higher plant species.
What is the world most visited mountain?
Mount Takao
How many percent of plastic is in the ocean?
Their is 81% of plastic in the ocean.
What is the number 1 worst natural disaster?
China floods 1931 that cause 4 000 000 death.
What is the medium size of a tree on Earth?
20 to 40 foot range.
How many percent of biodiversity is on Earth.
Approximately 80%.
What is the highest mountain in Canada?
Mount Logan
Is their enough salt in the ocean to cover the whole surface of the Earth. True or False
Where happen the biggest tsunami in the world.
In Lituya Bay, Alaska
How many species of trees are in the world?
Their is 60,000 species