This friendly animal is gray with a long tail and a long snout. They like to leap out of the water.
I have 6 sides and 6 vertices! Who am I?
I am a Hexagon!
This is a common pet you can find in someones house. Sometimes during the meetings you can hear them in the background.
There are many species of this plant. Some species have edible fruits yet others are poisonous to humans and animals. Some are associated with being by the seaside
Palm Tree
Sharks like to eat these animals, and they have rubber skin not Fur!
I have 0 sides and 0 vertices! Who am I?
I am a Circle!
Generally small animals with bushy tails and large eyes. They eat seeds and nuts, but many will eat insects and even small vertebrates collect nuts
This plant is most likely to be in a pond, it has a little flower on top of it mostly, and frogs like to jump on it.
Lily pad/water lilies
I have 5 sides and 5 vertices! Who am I?
I am a Pentagon!
This animal is like a wolf, has very large ears, and have a fur.
This plant is using regular stocks/seeds to grow. It also uses cultivation techniques like pruning, root reduction, potting, defoliation, and grafting to mimic the shape/style of full-size trees
this insect, lives anywhere in the world and is black, and can sometimes even go in your house.
This sea animal is large and many people are afraid of it, they are gray and can look similar to dolphins. They have many sharp teeth and rough skin.
I have 4 equal sides and 4 vertices! Who am I?
I am a Square!
Fastest animal in the world with yellow and black spots all over it.
This green/brown/red primitive plant-like organisms generally live attached to rock or other hard substrata in coastal areas.
This insect have the typical four-stage life cycle. There are various species and often have brightly coloured wings
this sea animal is red and has claws, these sea animals may pinch you if you see one but may not cause harm and they mostly like to be on shore, not in water.
I have 8 sides and 8 vertices! Who am I?
I am a Octagon!
Mostly feed on krill, fish, squid and other forms of sea life. Their wings have evolved to become flippers, useless for flight in the air.
Lives in the ocean, can be many shapes, and many colors. Some species may be pointy, and some may be soft. Some fish lives here.
This insect are yellow with black stripes. It stings and produces edible products.