Soil mixture of clay and sand.
A crude oil; a naturally occurring liquid that can be refined to make gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, home heating oil, lubricating oil, wax, asphalt, and many other valuable products; a nonrenewable energy source.
The ability of an ecosystem to deal with outside stressors.
The act of viewing or noting something for a scientific purpose.
An organism which feeds upon the tissues or fluids of another animal, or host. It is harmful to the host, but generally does not kill host, as that would destroy its food supply.
A substance or ingredient that promotes growth, provides energy, and maintains life.
The process of extracting (removing) useful materials from the earth, such as coal, gold, or iron ore.
An association between organisms in which each species benefits.
The first species to inhabit a previously destroyed site; often hardy.
Pioneer Species
A relationship between two species in which one species benefits to the detriment of the other species.
A rock that contains minerals like iron, gold, or lead.
Process of harvesting trees, sawing them into appropriate lengths (bucking), and transporting them (skidding) to a sawmill.
Survival of the fittest. A process in nature where organisms with traits better suited to their environment are more likely to survive, causing the species to change overtime.
Natural Selection
Refers to cones that remain on a tree after maturity and open to release seeds only after exposure to certain conditions, especially heat from a fire.
Term used to describe animals that walk on the soles of their feet (i.e. racoons, bears).
Soil type with the largest particles. Easy for water to pass through.
To make up for; to substitute for losses occurred. For example, planting trees is a way to mitigate for a forest that has been logged.
A person who observes and studies plants and animals in nature.
Levels of soil in regards to depth of the ground. Different horizons have different organisms, levels of decomposition, and fertility.
Soil Horizon
A bird of prey with sharp bills and talons. Adapted for hunting and/or scavenging prey animals. Ex. eagles, owls, hawks.
A soil type with particle size between sand and clay. Can also refer to the sediment that suspends in stagnant water or that is carried in moving water.
The act of unlawfully and recklessly killing wildlife and/or destroying nature. Poacher is the person breaking the law by not being in compliance with state hunting, fishing and/or ecological regulations.
The process of returning an area to its historic natural condition, using native plants and habitats to attract and hold native wildlife.
Power obtained by harnessing the energy of the sun's rays; a renewable energy source.
Solar Energy/Solar
(noun) An animal footprint. (verb) To determine an animals movement and location by following its trail.