True or False: Black Bears are herbivores.
Where do grey squirrels nest?
In trees.
What animal can blend into their surroundings?
Octopus and Chameleons.
Are birds bones hollow?
What's the saying for how to survive different bears?
If it's black fight back, if it's brown lay down, and if it's white goodnight.
Whats the difference between an evergreen and a deciduous tree?
An evergreen tree has green leaves (or needles) all year long. A deciduous tree loses its leaves in the fall.
Where do Aardvarks live?
In holes in the ground.
What's an ecosystem?
An area for example a coral reef or a forest, where all organisms survive off of each other.
What type of owl does dad like to impersonate?
A bard owl.
How do flamingos get their pink color?
The algae they eat.
What kind of trees drop little spiky balls?
Sweet gumball trees.
Where do flounders live?
In the ocean in shallow muddy areas.
What's a regular dolphin called?
A bottle nose dolphin.
What is one of the best ways to tell types of trees?
By looking at its leaves.
What's the study of birds called?
What does moss do when it rains?
It absorbs the water.
What kind trees do koalas live in?
Eucalyptus trees.
Do polar bears hibernate?
True or False: There is an animal called a martin.
What are the only two animals that are different from their kind? (p.s. for example a platypus lays eggs even though it's a mammal.)
The platypus and the pigeon.
How do trees and plants survive during a drought?
They reach their roots deeper down.
Where do walruses find food?
At the bottom.
What animal that lives by the sea can hold a lot of fish in their mouth?
What type of dolphin is pink?
The Amazon River Dolphin.