What is science?
A system of knowledge & methods used to find knowledge
Scientific Method
What is our unit for length?
This is the gathering of information using our five senses
What is the unit for mass?
A well substantiated explanantion of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observatons & experiments is called?
A scientific theory.
What is the fourth step of the scientific method?
analyze data
How do you calculate area?
Length X Width
There are two types of observations, what are they?
Qualitative & Quantitative
To find the volume of a liquid what tool do you use?
Graduated Cylinder
This is a statement that is based on repeated experimental observations that describe some apect of the universe.
What is the third step of the scientific method?
How do you calculate volume?
Length X Width X Height
This an explanantion for an observation you have made.
What are the types of graphs used in science?
Bar, Line, Pie
What are three tools that scientists use to solve problems?
Prior knowledge, trial & error, models/scales, scientific method, observations, or technology
This is an educated guess
What is the unit for area?
meters squared (m2)
What is a qualitative observation/data?
Observations/data that describe something we observe
What is a dependent varible?
It is the varible in the lab that is changing do to the change we made to the independent varible. It is what we measure in the experiment.
List all five steps of the scientific method in proper order.
1.) Problem/Question
2.) Hypothesis
3.) Experiment
4.) Analyze Data
5.) Conclusion
There are two units for volume, what are they?
ml or meters cubed (m3)
What is a quantitative observation/data
an observation that measures what we observed. It contains numbers
What is an independent varible?
The independent varible is the varible in the lab we are changing/testing.