1st step of scientific method after making an observation?
Control Variable
What is the standard of comparison that is exposed to the same conditions at the test variable but is unaffected by it?
Examples of scientific laws
What is the law or gravity or motion?
Another name for Dependent Variable
Responding Variable
What is using your 5 senses to perceive something?
Possible explanation that is supported/not supported by the conclusion
What is a Hypothesis?
Factors that remain the same in an experiment
Explains why something occurs
what is a scientific theory?
Dependent Variable
What is measured and observed?
What is based on the evidence from your observation you interpret what happened/is happening?
3 parts that make up a scientific investigation
What are Hypothesis, Variables, and Data?
Scientific Investigations, Theories & Laws are based on?
What is empirical evidence?
Example of scientific theory
What is atomic theory or germ theory?
Independent variable
What is the manipulated/test variable?
What is the act of doubting the truthfulness of something?
What is prejudice in favor or against something/someone based on personal experiences?
What is repeating an experiment multiple times/performing multiple trials by the original investigator?
Describes principle of nature that always occurs under certain conditions
What is a scientific law?
What is the Y-axis
What is carefully planned, highly structured method used to collect qualitative or quantitative data?
6 Steps of Scientific Method (after observation)
1. Problem/Question 2. Hypothesis 3. Experiment
4. (Record) Data 5. Analyze Data 6. Conclusion
What is a reproducible experiment by a another scientist to get the same results?
Empirical evidence
What is a collection of data that is made of previous experiments and observations?
Independent Variable Axis
What is the X-axis?
Advantages of a Model