Types of Data
Experimental Design
Experiment Design
The definition of quantitative data is ___________
Data that uses numbers or measurements.
The independent variable ______________.
Changes on purpose.
The dependent variable ___________.
Measures as a result.
Processed sugar has __________ nutritional value.
You can make qualitative observations using your __________ _____________
5 senses
Which of these is an example of qualitative data? a. 15 windows b. Shiny windows
B. Shiny windows
Bryan was wondering if chickens lay more eggs if they eat a diet high in protein. What is the independent variable in this scenario?
The diet.
Bryan was wondering if chickens lay more eggs if they eat a diet high in protein. What are two control variables that Bryan would set up in this experiment?
answers may vary: same chickens, same environment, etc.
When testing food for protein, we could not use dark colored foods. Why?
We were using the biuret solution to see if the substance turned a dark blue/purple/black. If we used dark colored foods, we wouldn't know if it was the food or the indicator that was causing the color.
In the mealworm lab, the bin without the food acted as the ___________ ___________
Controlled setup
I observe that there is a broken window and a ball sitting near it. An inference I can make is ___________.
Someone hit/threw the ball and it broke the window.
Use this question to form a hypothesis: Will my dog bark less when the doorbell rings if he exercises for an hour every day?
I think the dog will/will not bark less when the doorbell rings if he exercises for an hour every day.
What is the one and only difference between your experimental setup and control setup in all experiments?
The independent variable. Experimental includes the independent variable, and the control setup does not.
Carbohydrates are ______________________ in a chain.
complex sugars
You want to determine the effects of fertilizer on the growth of orchid plants. You split your plants into 4 groups and vary the amount of fertilizer they receive. You record your results (the height of the plants). What kind of graph would you set up to display the average height of plants in each group?
Bar graph.
Determine whether the following statements are observations or inferences. a. The woman is holding a cup. b. The woman is thirsty.
a. observation b. inference
Describe one form of experimental error that may have occurred during your nutrition testing. Why is it important to take note of experimental error?
Answers may vary. It is important so we can figure out what we may need to do differently next time in order to get better and more reliable results.
Create a hypothesis using these variables. Independent: time at batting practice Dependent: batting average
Answers may vary. Example: I think the batting average would be higher if they practiced for 3 hours each week.
We split lipids into two categories. _________________ are "healthy" fats, and ________ and ________ are "unhealthy" fats.
Unsaturated, saturated and trans
Why is it important to replicate experiments and have many trials?
The more the experiment is done, the more reliable the results are. To fix mistakes.
An inference is an ______________
educated guess based off of observations.
Is this a well-designed experiment? If not, identify the mistake. A study was done to find if different tire treads affect the braking distance of a car. The scientist used a Fiat and a Ford and used different tire treads on each car. Then, they measured how long it took for the car to come to a complete stop.
This is not a well-designed experiment. The scientist changed more than one variable. There should only be ONE independent variable. In this case it should be the type of tire tread. The type of car should be a controlled variable.
Using this scenario, give the independent, dependent, and two control variables for the experiment setup. How long will it take students of different ages to assemble a puzzle?
Independent: ages of students Dependent: How long it took to assemble the puzzle. Controls: the puzzle, the environment, etc.
When doing a glucose (sugar) test, if the color changed to yellow/orange/red, you would have said you had a ______________ result, meaning there _________ glucose in your food.
positive, was
Why is it important to have a control in an experiment?
So you can tell that it was the independent variable that made a difference or caused the result.