Someone has naturally curly hair. Nature or nurture?
Hair is genetic
A child inherits their height from their parents. Nature or nurture
height is genetic
A baby is born with blue eyes. Nature or nurture
eye color is genetic
A teenager becomes fluent in three languages because their parents speak multiple languages at home. Nature, nurture, or both?
Influenced by environment
A student becomes a great basketball player after years of practice. Nature or Nurture?
Lots of practice may account for their athleticism.
A child is very shy because they were raised in a quiet, reserved household. Nature or Nurture?
behavior is influenced by environment
A teenager speaks with a strong regional accent after growing up in a specific area. Nature or Nurture
They most likely adapted this accent from home and their families.
A child learns to solve complex math problems after years of tutoring.
Practice allowed them to excel in the subject.
A child grows up believing strongly in their family's cultural traditions
Beliefs and cultural traditions are taught and passed down through family.
A teenager has naturally high endurance and excels in long-distance running. Nature, nurture or both?
Endurance and athletic ability are often influenced by genetics.
A child becomes afraid of thunderstorms after experiencing a scary one.
The fear of thunderstorms develops from a learned experience
A person has naturally strong and healthy teeth without much dental care.
Strong and healthy teeth can be largely influenced by genetics
A child grows up in a family where everyone has a natural talent for music, but the child shows no interest in music until they are encouraged to try by a family member. They eventually become an accomplished musician. nurture, nature or both?
It's a mix of nature (genetic talent) and nurture (encouragement and exposure), with nurture being the key factor in the child's musical success.
Two identical twins are raised in completely different environments. one grows up in a wealthy family while the other is raised in a poor environment. Despite these different upbringings, they both end up pursuing the same career and have similar life goals. Nature or nurture?
Their upbringings in vastly different environments would still have shaped their experiences, values, and opportunities. The influence of their environments could have been significant in molding their behavior and decisions.
A person has a genetic risk for heart disease but stays healthy by exercising and eating well. Nature or nurture?
Nature: The genetic risk for heart disease comes from their inherited DNA. Nurture: Staying healthy through exercise and a good diet helps reduce the risk, showing the impact of lifestyle choices.