After Dovid passes who was supposed to be the next king?
Hakarat Hatov
Who gave Shlomo his gift?
What is a Kidush Hashem.
Sacrifying in Hashems name
What did Yirmiyahu write?
Sefer Melachim
why was Dovid unable to be warmed?
Because he was old and cold.
Translate: Aizehu Ashir Hasameach Bchelko: Who is happy?
Someone who is happy with what
he has
Shlomo did not ask for these 3 thing. What are they?
Wealth, Long life and no enemies
How many commissioners did Shlomo have and why?
12, One to provide food and money for each month
Who believed they were supposed to be the next king?
How old was Dovid when he died?
Aizehu Chacham Halomed Mikol Hadam: Who is wise?
Someone who learns from
every man
What did Shlomo order be happen to the baby?
Cut in half
How many wives is the king aloud to watch?
What was the first thing Dovid instructed to Shlomo
Be loyal to the torah and Hashem
Why did Dovid not kill Yoav.
Because he was experienced and could not live without him.
Aizehu Gibor Hakovesh Es Yitzaro: Who is strong?
Someone who conquers there
Yetzer Hara
Why did Shlomo marry bat Pharo?
So he could bring peace between the nations.
What does Devirim teach us about the BHMK?
It will be built when BY is settled in Israel safly
Who did Yoav kill?
Amasa, Avshalom, Avner
Mida Kneged Mida?
Becaue Dovid cut off a peice of Shauls cloths
Sheva Yipol Tzadik Vkam: A righteous person falls 7 times and then gets back up
● What halacha did we learn from the words ים֒ סִ ס סה־ֹ ר֣ הא־י ר ? י־א
Devarim teaches us that a king cannot have too many horses.
Who was Shlomo's Rebbi.
How long did it take to build the BHMK and his palace?
7 years for BHMK and 13 for his palace
Who did Adonya want to marry?
Avishag Hashunamit